XXIII - Meant to be

1005 Words

Zake Aldrin's voice resonated in the recesses of my mind, a familiar presence that often brought both solace and contemplation. "Zake," he began, his thoughts weaving seamlessly with mine, "have you ever thought about Crystal in a different light?" I closed the book I had been reading, focusing my attention on the unexpected direction of our mental conversation. "What do you mean, Aldrin?" I inquired, curiosity tingeing my thoughts. Aldrin's response carried a subtle amusement. "What if Crystal is your fated mate? What if she is your Luna?" I sighed, a reflexive reaction to a notion that seemed implausible. "Aldrin, you know our history. Zoro used to bully her, and I..." My voice trailed off, acknowledging the truth that I hadn't intervened as much as I should have. The wolf's mental

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