LXXX - Change of behavior

1275 Words

Zoro and Zake exchanged a puzzled glance, their brows furrowed with uncertainty as they turned their attention to Crystal, who wore a serene smile upon her lips. "Crystal, are you sure about this?" Zake asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. Crystal's smile only widened as she nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I've made my decision," she replied confidently. "I choose both of you." Zoro's expression softened, a mixture of surprise and gratitude flickering in his eyes. "But why?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. Crystal's gaze shifted between the twins, her tone gentle yet resolute. "Because you're both equally important to me," she explained. "And because you're twins, it would be unfair for me to choose between you. So, why not choose both? Two heads are better than one, right?"

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