XIV - Revealing their mates

1304 Words

Zake I took a seat beside Zoro, our usual place in the school cafeteria. The buzz of conversations surrounded us, but my thoughts lingered on a recent development concerning Maurice and Crystal. Zoro, sensing my contemplation, looked at me with a questioning gaze. "Zake, is it true?" Zoro asked, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Did Maurice really ask the students to stop bullying Crystal?" Sighing deeply, I met Zoro's eyes, and the weight of my response settled between us. "Yeah, I overheard Maurice talking to some students about it. She said she wants them to stop tormenting Crystal." Zoro's frown mirrored my hesitation. We both knew Maurice's reputation for deceit and manipulation. Her motives were often shrouded in layers of cunning schemes. I continued, "I have my do

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