LXIX - Focus on priority

1054 Words

Beta Gary arrives at the pack mansion with a sense of urgency, his mind consumed with worry about Crystal's safety. As he approached the grand entrance, he noticed Alpha Zoren engaged in a solemn conversation with Gamma Victor and his wife, Alma. Their faces were etched with distress, tears glistening in their eyes. "Alpha Zoren," Beta Gary began, his voice tinged with concern as he approached the trio. "I've come to seek your help. Crystal is missing, and I fear for her safety." Alpha Zoren's gaze shifted to Beta Gary, his expression grave yet determined. "I am aware of the situation," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil evident in his eyes. "Both Crystal and Amira are missing, and we are doing everything we can to locate them." Beta Gary nodded, a sense of relief washing

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