IV – The Alpha's Twins Son

1263 Words
Zoro Seated in the opulent mansion of the Crest Moon Pack, I was flanked by my family. My father, Alpha Zoren, sat beside my mother and Luna, Alana, with my twin brother, Zake, on the other side. We were gathered to discuss the upcoming mating season and the much-anticipated Moon Festival. I leaned back in my chair, feeling a sense of restlessness settle over me. The idea of finding a mate and settling down wasn't something that appealed to me at the moment. I was more interested in honing my skills as a warrior and ensuring the safety of our pack. "I'm not sure I'm ready for a mate," I admitted, my voice edged with frustration. Zake, the quieter of the two of us, nodded in agreement. It was rare for us to share the same sentiment, but in this case, we were of the same mind. Alana, our mother, laughed warmly, her eyes filled with affection. "Boys, having a mate can make your life even lovelier. It brings a sense of completeness and support." Alpha Zoren, our father and pack leader, chimed in with a smile, his hand reaching for my mother's as he kissed it gently. "Your mother is right. Finding a mate is a beautiful and fulfilling experience. It's a bond that strengthens not only your personal life but our pack as well." Zake and I exchanged a glance, both of us unsure about the idea of a mate. It was hard to imagine someone fitting into our lives, especially given our strong bond as twins. But for some reason, as my mind drifted, I thought of a name that shouldn't have held any significance to me. Crystal. The mere thought of her name irritated me, and I couldn't understand why. She was just an omega in our pack, and I had no reason to think about her. As the conversation continued, my frustration grew, and I couldn't help but frown. Crystal was nothing to me, and yet, she seemed to be occupying my thoughts. Alana noticed my change in demeanor and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Zoro, is something bothering you?" I shook my head, trying to push the thoughts of Crystal aside. "It's nothing, Mother. I'm just not in the mood for discussions about mates and the Moon Festival." Zake, who had also sensed my irritation, spoke up. "We'll come around to the idea eventually, but for now, we have other priorities." Alpha Zoren nodded in understanding, his attention returning to our mother. "You two will know when the time is right. There's no rush." I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the conversation shifted away from the topic of mates. The unease that had settled over me gradually dissipated, and I turned my focus back to the safety and well-being of our pack. As my frustration and restlessness grew during the family discussion about mates and the Moon Festival, I couldn't take it any longer. I stood up abruptly, pushing my chair back, and announced, "I'm going back to my room." Alpha Zoren, my father, raised an eyebrow and held out a hand, signaling for me to wait. "Zoro, wait a moment. I'd like to speak with you." Reluctantly, I stopped in my tracks, my jaw clenched. I didn't want to engage in a conversation about mates or the strange thoughts that had been plaguing my mind. Alpha Zoren's gaze was firm but filled with concern as he said, "Zoro, I need to talk to you about something important. I've heard that you've been mistreating Crystal, the adopted daughter of Beta Gary." I frowned, not expecting my father to bring up the topic of Crystal. She was an omega, and I had no reason to be concerned about her. "What does Crystal have to do with anything, Father?" Alpha Zoren's voice was stern as he replied, "Crystal may be an adopted member of the Rogers family, but she is still the daughter of Beta Gary. I don't want any gaps or conflicts within our pack, and I expect everyone, including you, to treat her with respect and fairness." I felt a surge of frustration welling up inside me. I didn't understand why my father was bringing this up now. "I don't see why it's my concern, Father. She's just an omega." Alpha Zoren's expression softened as he continued, "Zoro, she may be an omega, but she is a member of our pack. We should all strive to create a harmonious environment. I don't want any divisions or mistreatment within our pack." Before I could respond, Alana, my mother and Luna, let out a light laugh, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Zoro, do you have a soft spot for Crystal? Is that why you ensure she gets your attention?" I was taken aback by her words and immediately protested, "No, Mother! I have no interest in an omega like Crystal." My denial was vehement, and I felt a surge of anger that Alana would even suggest such a thing. It was true that Crystal had been occupying my thoughts lately, but it was only because her name had inexplicably stuck in my mind. Alpha Zoren held up a hand, trying to mediate the situation. "Zoro, if there are any issues or misunderstandings between you and Crystal, I expect you to resolve them peacefully. Mistreating her goes against the principles of our pack." I reluctantly nodded, unable to argue with my father. I turned and walked away, my frustration still simmering just beneath the surface. As I retreated to my room, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of irritation and confusion. The strange thoughts about Crystal continued to plague my mind, and I couldn't understand why. She was just an omega, after all. I returned to my room, closing the door behind me with a heavy sigh. The tension from the family discussion and the unexpected thoughts about Crystal still weighed on my mind. I couldn't explain why she had occupied my thoughts, and I didn't want to confront those confusing emotions. As I lay on my bed, I tried to push the troubling thoughts away. I closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would provide some respite from the chaos in my mind. But as I drifted off, I found myself in a restless state of half-sleep. In this hazy state, my mind conjured up an image of Crystal, her face marked by sadness and despair. It was a pitiful expression that I couldn't forget. Her eyes seemed to plead for something, though I couldn't discern what it was. My frustration mounted, and I clenched my fists, the image of Crystal's face refusing to leave me be. I couldn't understand why she was haunting my thoughts, why her presence lingered in my mind like an unwelcome guest. In a fit of frustration, I reached for a pillow and covered my face with it. I let out a muffled yell, a desperate attempt to banish the thoughts of Crystal that plagued me. "Get out of my head!" But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the image of her pitiful face. It was a torment I couldn't escape, and the Moon Festival and mating season were only drawing nearer, bringing with them the promise of even greater challenges and mysteries. I knew that the answers to my questions lay in the events that were about to unfold, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread and anticipation as I grappled with the inexplicable connection I felt to the omega, Crystal.
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