XXV - Beta’s power

1205 Words

Maurice I knocked gently on the study room door of my father, Beta Gary. He looked up from his paperwork, his eyes tired but warm as he removed his reading glasses. I entered, finding a seat across the desk from him, a subtle sigh escaping his lips. "Dad," I began, my voice tinged with a mixture of desperation and hope, "as the Beta of Crest Moon Pack, you're the second in command, right?" Beta Gary nodded, his expression a blend of understanding and curiosity. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of my request pressing on my chest. "I... I was thinking," I started, tears welling in my eyes, "if you could talk to Alpha Zoren. You know, ask him if Zoro or Zake could marry me and become the new Luna of the pack." A heavy silence settled between us as Beta Gary absorbed my words. He

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