XXI – Happy to see her

3102 Words

Zoro I felt a growing irritation gnawing at me as we left Crystal's house. The interaction with Crystal and her family had been pleasant enough, but an unspoken tension lingered in the air. I couldn't shake the feeling that Maurice and her mother, Marla, had misconstrued my intentions. The notion that they might believe I harbored romantic feelings for Maurice left a sour taste in my mouth. As we arrived at our mansion, I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. The confinement of the vehicle felt suffocating, amplifying the discomfort that had settled within me. Zake, ever perceptive, glanced my way and noticed my unease. "Everything alright, Zoro?" he inquired, his eyes probing for any sign of what might be bothering me. I sighed, the irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "No, Zak

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