The Sun is on Fire

717 Words

The Sun is on Fire Chris liked to point out the obvious. Perhaps that was why someone was currently trying to kill him at that moment. It was a nice Sunday morning. The sun was bright, the birds were singing, and the chainsaw came rattling through the locked door. Grnng! It cut through the wooden door like... well like a chainsaw through a thin wooden door. Chris squealed and covered his eyes from the flying splinters. "I'm coming in, Chris!" Delta yelled through the door. "I'm coming in to slap you, hard." "Slapping is fine," Chris squealed. "It's the chainsaw I'm worried about." "Stop pointing out the obvious!" Delta shouted, annoyed. He stopped sawing the door for a moment to express his emotions, grunted once, then resumed. The door did not stand up for long. Delta walked insid

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