The Infinite Mirror

1613 Words

The Infinite Mirror The Mirror of Erised was one of the biggest curiosities in the galaxy. Even the Minds did not know what it was, and there had been some studies. It was called that way from a long-forgotten tale of heroes and bravery. It had none of the attributes from that tale, though. As far as anyone knew, the mirror extended to eternity. Which was impossible. But there it was. The Mind 'I Won't Do What You Tell Me' ignored the warnings of its peers. It made an avatar, a panhumanoid robot that was so advanced it could pass as a life form even if you carved it up. He stepped foot on the planet with a modicum of fifty security drones that carried some Antimatter missiles. That was enough to ward off a fleet or two. He liked walking on the planets. Which was weird, since he was a

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