The Little Match Girl

1540 Words

The Little Match Girl Out in the cold, in the streets, people walked by and tried their best to ignore her. The snow crunched underneath their boots and they watched their phones and hurried to get home. It was dark, the last night of the year. She tried to get one of the busy corners, but they were occupied by the street urchins, five-year-olds with overly snot and attitude, they had pushed her on the wall once already. Her back still hurt. So, she took a corner where it was windy, she could see the snow blowing sideways in the streetlamps. She could not feel her face, so cold it was, but she didn't dare go back home without selling her matches. They were not actual matches, nobody needed those anymore. They were single-use AR experiences, bought and seen once, a novelty of old. Befor

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