Massy's series of tweets eventually got the attention of Skip Bayless and the rest of the staff over at ESPN. Her phone lit up nonstop all day. Retweets and blog posting still going. It was clear that Massy was not only letting Skip know she was not for the banter OFF the field, but she was letting any opposing team know, that she may be a rookie but she is nothing to be played with ON the field. There was a reason she was the number one prospect and come hell or high water she'd be showing it throughout the season.
Her legs began to burn as she did running and footwork drills. Sweat dripping from the tip of her nose as she finished her last set. She raised her hands placing them on her head catching her breath. A Friday evening at the Giant's gym left room to use any and everything freely, the only people that even entered the building were staff members and most of them remained in their offices
"Go job girl!" Emily lightly patted Massy's stomach, her abs tensing upon contact. She was one of the trainers at the Giant's facility, who also specialized in yoga.
"I see someone's got a chip on her shoulder." Emily said to Massy referring to the recent doubts that were brought up against her. Massy smiled shrugging her shoulders
"Just ready to play." She said back speaking slowly to catch her breath.
Massy jumped at a hand hitting the back of her calf muscle, she turned around following Odell as he stood up to his original height. Emily stepped back and began collecting equipment, giving the two of them space.
"Tryin to outdo me in everything? Huh?" He said grinning at her, his face a bright red, his shirt collecting sweat from every part of his body that it covered.
"Something like that." She said back in confidence, throwing a light tap to his stomach. Odell hunched over. "What's wrong? Work too hard?" She hit his stomach again. This time he grabbing her wrist and lightly holding it in his hand, he pulled her closer.
"Tonight." He said with a serious face, reminding her of their plans.
"I haven't forgotten." She said with a frown. "I don't need a reminder, your place, I know." She pushed on his stomach with her free hand, letting go of her wrist he took a step back.
"You sure about that?" He said with a raised eyebrow. Massy shook her head yes. Odell put his hand up for a high five, she touched her hand with his giving him one, instead of putting his hand down, he interlocked his fingers with hers giving her a wink before he walked off.
Emily eyed the two of them as she cleaned up her and Massy's mess. She waited until Odell was completely out the door before she walked over.
"There is so much s****l tension between you two, you're probably pregnant just from him touching you."
Massy looked at Emily with a frown. "There's no s****l tension, friends don't have s****l tension." Massy said slowly making sure Emily heard every word.
"Well, you too must be a new kind of friend, because you two are this close. Emily held her index and thumb centimeters away from one another. "From doing this!" She then pounded her fists together. With a smile as she began walking back out of the gym.
"DON'T SAY THAT!" Massy said following after her whining as if she was about to cry. HAS ANYBODY EVER TOLD YOU YOU'RE A BAD FRIEND?!" Massy continued to yell.
Emily's blonde ponytail bounced as she walked to the gym door. "Oh, all the time." She said as she pulled the door open, Massy twisted up her face knowing she was being a smart ass.
Odell's home was full of his childhood friends, food covering every counter in the kitchen, video games, ping pong, arcade games. It was a bachelors dream, it was like the popular frat house on campus. A few female friends hung around casually watching the horseplay that went on. With Week 1 of the season starting off with a match against The Dallas Cowboys, Odell used his Friday night to hang out, because come Saturday he would be doing light training, keeping his body open and ready for Sunday.
Odell pulled Massy into a tight hug, holding onto her body longer than usual. She smiled at his friends as they embraced her, some she knew, some she was meeting for the first time. However, the random females were a lot less friendly, more aloof towards her as soon as they noticed Odell's attraction to Massy, mean looks and eye-rolling was being heavily thrown in her direction due to her now being the center of his attention.
"What's wrong with the girls?" Massy asked, throwing a quick head nod in their direction.
Odell looked through the kitchen over to the girls sitting bunched up on the couch together, looking like a scene from Mean Girls all of them with the same sour facial expression. He looked over and frowned, shrugging his shoulders not caring or concerned as to why they would be upset. She gave Odell a knowing look, Massy knew she was the reason for their attitude problem.
"You ready for Sunday?" Massy asked changing the subject. Odell folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the kitchen counter.
"I'm ready now." He said confidently, that alluring boyish grin appeared on his face, his eyes naturally low. Massy couldn't help but blush.
She put her head down looking at the floor, her feet dangled from the kitchen counter as she sat on top of it. Odell pushed off the counter closing the distance between them. "You ready for the Pros?" He asked placing his hands on either of her and leaning against her legs, slightly parting them to stand in between them.
"I'm ready now." She said confidently looking up at him giving him the same alluring grin he gave her. He stood inches from her body, finally easing his way in between her legs, he placed his large hands on the top of her thighs.
Massy turned her head looking around the house. "This is my first time here." She said realizing he was getting to close she changed the subject once again to ease her tension.
Odell knew he was putting her between a rock and a hard place, he licked his lips as she began to slide down from the counter causing her to be pinned. Massy swallowed the lump in her throat and chewed on the inside of her cheek. "You should show me around."
Massy would have been willing to do anything to get from him pressing his body against her's. She pushed against his hard abs giving her space to move, Odell took several steps back, he followed behind her as she checked out the rest of the surrounding. Once she got to the steps she looked back at him for permission to walk up them, assuming that floor held everyone's personal bedrooms, not sure if she could go up there or not, he nodded his head giving her a yes.
Massy caught a quick glimpse of the same girls, still sitting in the couch as everyone else seemed to enjoy their time. They eyed her as she walked up the steps. Massy frowned and looked back at Odell who was right on her heels.
At the top of the steps she stopped looking right then left, she waited for Odell to give her directions. "Left." He said from behind her. "All the way at the end."
Odell's master bedroom was a lot different from downstairs, a red, white, and black color scheme, large flat screen tv mounted on the wall facing the large king-size bed, a small red couch on the far right side of the room next to a set of doors that could be either a large walk-in closet or a large master bathroom. Massy walked over to the bed she turned around and fell back on the plush white comforter.
Odell frowned, then smiled. "You marking your territory?" Odell teased her.
"No, I'm about to take a nap, this thing is comfortable." Her arms went out rubbing them up and down against the soft covers.
Odell shook his head smiling, he walked to the other side of the bed and sat down, then slowly laid back, tucking both hands behind his head. Massy moved closer placing her head on his stomach, she looked up at the clean white ceiling hearing muffled noises of laughter and yelling coming from downstairs through the walls.
"How do you sleep with all this noise?" She asked.
"It's not like this all the time, it's only three of my childhood friends that stay here, being away from home so much, I'd go crazy if I didn't have some type of family around me. How you stay by yourself, you don't get bored or lonely?" He asked her, Massy paused for a moment to think.
"There's two reasons I went to UCLA. 1, I fell in love with it. 2, it was the furthest away from home." She said. "My family drives me nuts, I wouldn't be able to live without my mother, but my sister and Bo, I can only take so much of those two, especially Bo." Massy said shaking her head.
Massy could fell the stomach vibrations on the back of her head as Odell began to laugh, her arms still spread out as if she was making a snow angel. "Bo is......." Odell paused to think of the right words, making sure to not offend Massy, after all, he was still her father. "He's rough.... Tough." He finally said.
This time Massy laughed at his choice of words. "You have no idea." She said through her laughter.