Chapter 7

1008 Words
Luke My Beta put a stack of documents in front of me respectfully in the study and said, “This is the information you want, sir. We combed the whole city for the lady, fortunately for us, the black box camera caught her face so we were able to find some information about her” I picked up the document, the first thing that caught my eyes was a delicate and beautiful face. Even if it was just an ordinary ID photo, she looked perfect. And I found her beautiful eyes indescribably familiar, I was certain that she was the woman who had drugged me. Ava Smith. Female. Twenty-one years old. A senior at Blue Moon University. She was the second daughter of Elder Smith, the president of the Smith Group, and was an illegitimate child. Her mother was in poor health and sickly all year around, usually on medication, has no spouse, nor is she affiliated to the father of her child who is Elder smith. I glanced over her information quickly. Elder Smith was the head of the elder in the pack. The old man didn’t teach his daughter to be like him. Her profile even made me more interested in the mischievous and beautiful face that I can’t seem to get out of my head, “According to our investigation, Miss Smith is Miss Ella’s best friend. The reason why she sneaked into your room may be... Maybe she wanted to help Miss Ella.” My Beta added. Ella? Hearing this name, I unconsciously sneered. I did not expect Ava to be so loyal to her friend that she had been willing to take such a huge risk for her. She is even so naive to take such risks for someone like Ella. Although she had run away, she would be caught soon. And I was looking forward to meeting her again. I could not get my mind off her Ava… I was studying in the library at Blue Moon University. It was a sunny yet cool afternoon. The air conditioner was doing a great job in keeping the temperature down. After leaving my fathers house, I took a part-time job as a cashier in a fast-food restaurant. It wasn’t easy doing the two together but I was managing. Studying hard and providing for myself and my mom. I felt uneasy today for no reason and couldn't focus on studying at all, having a sense of foreboding. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, and I received a message. Someone has sent me a strange picture. I opened it almost immediately. It was a clip of me smashing a car with a brick. I was so frightened that I almost threw my phone out of my hand. I didn’t even know I was being recorded? s**t. I should have controlled my darn anger or not run away. But if he wasn’t the man from that man I would have stayed back to apologize and ask for a way to co My phone vibrated again, the message said again. “Come to room 605 at Trinity hotel at 6pm. Be late and this video will cause you to be brought to the presence of the elders of the pack.” Presence of the elders? Then my father would have my head if that happened. There was no way I was going to let that happen to her. I am going to avoid every contact with him for the time being. If only I had not attempted to smash Dr Yale’s car then I wouldn't be in this mess. I ran my hand through my hair while resisting the urge to scream because I was in the library. It would be another hand of embarrassment for me this afternoon. I looked at the message once again and mounted Room 605, Trinity hotel…. The text was obviously from the Alpha What if he had discovered that I had drugged him the other night and he asked me to come to the hotel so he could have his revenge? What would he do to me? Did he want to… I shuddered at the thought of the tearing pain last time and the pleasure that came after it . I am not insane, and I am not seeking my doom. But if I didn't go...After all, the evidence that I had smashed his car was in his hands. He could use that against me like he said. If I don’t go and he ends up exposing me, my father would ruin my life and ask me to move back to his house where I would suffer endless mockery from his wife and beloved daughter. While I was hesitating, my best friend Ella's face suddenly popped into my mind. Ella! Ella always wanted to get back together with him but she couldn't reach him. This was a fantastic opportunity. As long as Ella could go to meet him and successfully persuade him into forgiving her, they would soon get back together, then I would be completely out of the picture. This was a great idea. Maybe Luke would let me go for Ella's sake. At the thought of this, I quickly called Ella and said, "Hey, Ella, I got good news from a credible source. At 6pm tonight, Luke will go to room 605 of the Trinity Hotel. You can go there to meet him. Go for it! I believe you two will get back together soon!" “Really? Ava, you're the best! I love you! Thank you! I will try my best!" Ella said with happiness glazing in her voice. I wish there was a time that I would be happy like that too. Maybe if my mom healed up from her sickness or she finally found her mate. One time, I had read that if she had bonded with a mate, she would become well again. I was just a second year student in medicine. What could I possibly know? After hanging up the phone, I breathed a long sigh of relief.
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