1211 Words

"'I like you still better,' I said, adding a second fiver. 'You grow perfect. But you must take it.' "He backed away growling, but I caught him round the neck, roughed what little wind he had out of him, and left him doubled up with the two fives in his pocket. But hardly had the elevator started, when the two coins tinkled on the roof and fell down between the car and the shaft. As luck had it, the door was not closed, and I put out my hand and caught them. The elevator boy's eyes bulged. "'It's a way I have,' I said, pocketing them. "'Some bloke's dropped 'em down the shaft,' he whispered, awed by the circumstance. "'It stands to reason,' said I. "'I'll take charge of 'em,' he volunteered. "'Nonsense!' "'You'd better turn 'em over,' he threatened, 'or I stop the works.' "'Pshaw!'

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