1025 Words

Black sable pov my fangs protruding from my gums in to my lip as I run throu the forest, I stop as the smell of rotten meat hits my senses,. Rouge's I grin like a cheshire cat, I quickly cover my scent with a spell and take slow steps towards it. I stop and hide behind the nearest tree,  and take a quick glance in it's direction. I watch it as it stalks it's prey, unbeknownst to it. I make a  run for it. Making quick work of  sinking my fangs into it's neck. The rouge growls and tries to shake me off.      My hands become claws as I half s**t to my wolf form And I shove them into his chest. I pull my head back and take a deep breath, blood coating the front of me. The light leaving it's eyes, as it shifts back to human.  I pull it's heart out, licking my blood coated lips, and toss the h

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