First shift

1384 Words
Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. I must be in the pack hospital, i can smell the disinfect 50 times stronger then a normal person would be able to. The feet scattering and shuffling outside my hospital room. Various medical equipment going up and down different hospital floors. I feel a hand holding mine. I can smell lilacs and Jasmine, my mother's sent.  I try to open my eyes and my heart beat increases on the monitor. She should be awake anytime a female voice says. I squeeze my mother's hand lightly and start to open my eyes. The bright light is blinding, i have to blink several times for my eyes to adjust, I look over to my mom and can see the relief in her eyes. "Hey my baby girl" she coos at me.  I try to get up but she pushes me back down. "You need to rest Em". The nurse says, I'll mind link your father so he knows you are awake mom says. I watch her eyes glass over as she mind links my dad. I look over to see Nat and meg with worried expressions. "I'm fine y'all" I tell them, relief pours off them in waves.   I can feel mother tense up all of a sudden, i snap my head in her direction. Mom? Whats wrong??  Girls give us a few mins please shes states with unshed tears in her eyes.  Mom your scarring me whats wrong? Will wait for your father to get here and I'll explain everything. There's a knock at the door and I can smell the familar scent of my father and Beta Mitch with gamma Dalton and another person, the scent is familar but I can't place it.   I watch as my mother tells them to come in and my eyes fall on the stranger. His eyes quickly flash a silvery white and then its gone. " Scarlett? Do we know him?? " Scarlett stays quit for several mins before she replies. "I feel like we know him. I know in my heart he won't hurt us, i know we can trust him."   I look over to my father. Dad what is going on? My voice a little hoarse form being dry. I can see Mitch and Daltons worried expressions as they leave the room but the stranger staying. " we need to talk Emma and tell you the truth". "What truth?" I ask a little harshly. The stranger steps forward towards me.  Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sirius Alexander Sparrow. He says I'm your half brother.  My eyes go wide.  "Half brother"? I say and he nods his head. What is he talking about? I yell. I look over to my mom and dad.   Can everyone give us a moment? Says the Alpha. Everyone files out the room leaving just the three of us. Will someone please tell me whats going on? I yell looking back and forth between all three.  Lucious clutches on to Eve tightly. Your mother and i are not your biological parents Emma, we found you on a run one day by the border Lucious speaks.  You were so tiny Em. You had a blanket wrapped around you with a note tied to it.  Eve begans sobbing as she tells her.  Lucious is whispering sweet things in her ear to calm her down. He looks over to Emma, the note stated to take care of Emma Rose Brighton. I stare at who i called mom and dad my whole life. My mouth hanging open, tears about to emerge. My whole life the past 16 years as been a lie, i say to Scarlett.  I instantly start getting pissed. My eyes are starting to glow,  YOU LIED TO ME! I Start screaming at them. I watch as my adoptive parents take a step back from me and my brother steps forward. He places a hand on my shoulder, they may have lied to you my dearest sister, but they have took care of you for the past 16 years as if you were their own Sirius states. My eyes start receding back to its normal color.  We dont expect you to forgive us for waiting this long to tell you, Luna Eve says but there was something about you when you looked at me, I refused to leave you there. She smiles as she recalls the memory of it. Unshed tears still in her eyes. I look back at my brother, I have so many questions Sirius, I say. The nurse takes that opportunity to come into the room. You are being discharged Miss Ryder. She looks at the floor as she speaks, please call me em. I tell her. She smiles brightly and leaves the room. I look over at the Luna and Alpha.  Please give me a min to change Alpha, Luna i say looking down. Luna starts to sob uncontrollably while the Alpha amd her walk out the room. I focus on Sirius. I raise my eyebrows up at him. He smirks and walks out as well. I get up and head to take a much needed hot shower.  Selene didnt mention that sirius was also my half brother. I wounder why? I mean we do kind of resemble each other.  I say to Scarlett. Maybe she told him to tell us himself. Scarlett replies. I finish washing my hair with my Vanilla coconut shampoo and conditioner. then scrub my body vigariously with my soap. After I I'm satisfied with how clean i am, i rinse off step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me . I step out and start getting dressed while I mind link the Alpha and Luna. I'm going for a run to clear my head. regardless of the conversation we just had I still consider you my parents. I'm more upset with the fact you lied to me about it. I cut rhe mind link off before i hear them reply. I walk out of the pack hospital to the forest behind. I walk for a good while before I come to a small clearing with a creek.  My feet just going of their own accord. I start to feel hot all over. Scarlett, maybe we should head back now. I realize were two hours away from our territory. Scarlett agrees. I bend down to the creek to splash some cold water on face. A lot has happened in the last few hours. I write the heat off as nerves, I turn around to start heading back and the heat intensifies.  I let out a blood curdling scream and drop to the ground. Scarlett.. Scarlett what's happening?  Another heat wave more intense then the last. Scarlett is not responding. I try to get up on to my hands and knees and fail. A pounding in my skull starts, tears are streaming down my face. I start to army crawl.  Failing miserably. I curl myself into a ball. I can feel my bones cracking. I let out another scream.  I can hear a howl in the distance.  A painful howl. Then four more. s**t. s**t. s**t. Scarlett? I try once more.  Nothing. Like static in my head is all I hear. I close my eyes. I can hear paws coming towards me. Loud and thunderous. I open my eyes to see five wolves staring at me.  The one with golden green eyes catches my attention. He puts his ears back and whines causing the others to look confused for a moment. He's bigger then most wolves, another wave of pain hits and I scream again. The golden green eye wolf steps closer and I watch as he shifts back. I can hear him yelling at the others but can't make it out. I keep staring at him. Something about him comforts me. He looks back at me after the others disappear.  He gets down on to his knees next to me. He goes to pick me up and a jolt of electricity goes right throu me. I gasp in surprise at the contact. He picks me up bridal style. We lock eyes and I swear I can hear him say mate. I close my eyes at the sudden jolt of pain again. I notice it's not as bad since I'm in this strangers arms.  Your shifting I hear him say right before blackness takes over.
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