Friends and First Time

2247 Words

I jump away from Dom and run over to Meg and Natasha, I jump on them knocking them down and all you hear are giggles, I give them both a kiss on their cheeks, I have missed you!!! I cooked at them. They look mortified. I start laughing. Dalton laughing at our forms in a pile . I let them go and help them stand up. I hear a cough come from the side and turn my head to see Sirius with a grin. BRO! I yell and run to him and embrace him with a hug, two growls follow, one feniminue and one not.  We let go and I turn to see Meg and Dom, I notice the mark on sirius neck and look at Meg. Wait a min I say. Why do you have matching marks on y'all's neck? I ask while putting my hands on my hip and lifting a eye brow. I look back and forth at the pair of them, Dom takes this moment to walk up behind

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