How it started

1105 Words
Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 1 By, baby favour ★★★★ Writer pov It was a beautiful morning with cold weather and coldness swiping past all bodies, both living and non-living. "Kinky, it's time to wake up," Eva said, removing the pink duplet she had been curled onto. "Aunty Eva, please, I want to sleep more. It's too cold," Kinky replied, hugging her pillow to herself, trying to hide under it. "Oh! Cut that. Your mom is already almost done with her cooking, or do you want to be late for school? She asked as she carried her up from the bed. "Aunt Eva," she whines, hugging Eva to herself. "It's Monday morning, sweetie," Eva said. "Now I wish today was Saturday," she said as she dropped her into the bathtub, setting the warm water for her bath. "Kinky, you always wish all days were Saturday. Let's get you ready for school, cutie," Eva said and started bathing her. The house is painted white with large frames hanging all around the house with framed pictures of Kinky on all her birthdays. Now she is seven. Small stairs lead to the sitting room. On the left is the dining room, which leads to the kitchen, and on the right is a small but comfortable sitting room with two large long couches and a single one. In the middle is the center table made with glass designs of flowers on it, and on the wall opposite the step is a flat-screen TV, which stands tall and firm. Below it is a video player and some film collection. The curtains are all black. Isn't that weird? No, Amelia loves it like that. Amelia came to the dining room with a set of food warmers and placed them on the dining table. She went back to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. She put it inside a lunch box with the food warmer and the cutlery, then zipped it up. She was about to go back inside the kitchen when the doorbell rang. "Coming!" her tiny but cute voice said from the dining room. She dusted her hand and went to the door. She was putting on jeans, bum shorts, and a tank top. Her brown long hair was packed up in a ponytail. She opens the door and there is Lucas. "Good morning," Lucas said, and he pecked her cheeks before walking in with her. "Oh, I should have known it was you. Who else knocks on our door early in the morning," Amelia said. "So, am I the unemployed ass?"Lucas asked. "Oh stop that, I know you are here to pick up kinky" Amelia repiled and walked back into the kitchen. "Uncle Lucas!" Kinky called from the stairs, running into Lucas's wide arms... "My baby," he replied, as he swung her off the floor into his arms. "How was my baby's night? he asked. "Cold," she replied, glaring at Eva. "Oh, guess the witch doesn't allow you to sleep," Lucas said, laughing. "Yea, she wakes up too early," Kinky answered. "Come here and eat before you get late," Eva said, walking to the dining room at the same time Amelia walked out of the kitchen, drying her hands with a napkin. "Pretty lady" kinky called struggling from Lucas's arms to reach out into Amelia's arms. "Pretty princess," she answered and carried her, pecking her forehead. "Zip up your sweater so you won't catch a cold," Amelia said, sitting her down then zipping up her sweater for her. She rubs her head and she smiles out her cute dimples. "Be a good girl in school, okay? Amelia said. "Okay mama " she replied, while Eva fed her with her food. "Don't branch out ice cream shop, drive her straight to school please, " Amelia said, taking the stairs to her room. "Okay, boss! Lucas replied, faking seriousness. "I wonder how a small 7-year-old ended up tricking you into buying her ice cream every day. How your foolishness has leveled up anyway," Eva said. "Oh, please, shut it," Lucas repiled as he walked to the sitting room. "Don't put on that TV! Eva yelled. "Gosh! I hate you! "Lucas said. "f*****g mutual baby! Eva said, sticking out her tongue at him. ******* Afternoon: 12:30 The van drove into Brown's company. Amelia got down from the driver's side while Eva got down from the other side. Amelia is dressed in a black tank top and has a flower girl feeding customers at the back. She puts on a black high waist trouser with white snickers and ties a jacket around her waist, her hair packed up in a ponytail. She holds a pen and a palm booklet in her hands, counting while Eva is packing the food pack inside the company. She is wearing a black t-shirt with a flower girl feeding customized letters at the back and black trousers too, with snickers. "Completed! Eva said, and Amelia marked the delivery. "Elia! The company receptionist called. "The boss is giving the company to her heir, and you should meet him at the board meeting," the girl said. "Him? Is that even necessary? Eva asked. "Oh okay, we are sorry. We are going to come back right now. We have food to deliver and it's almost time when we are coming back please," Amelia said and drove out. Inside the company: board meeting, "Of all things, let's be good to him," Mrs. Brown said, sitting more comfortably in her chair while Cory gave her a handkerchief. "I don't want to hear anything, so I will just say the company is all in his hands. Now I present to you Brown Naoh, the true heir of Brown's! Mrs. Brown said and hands started clapping, some with a happy mind and some otherwise, though who cares! He walks in, dressed in a black suite. His curls alone can make you run to the altar with him, not to mention his face. "Here is my only son that is taking over, everyone," she completed. stood up and clapped as he took his seat. "Good morning, everyone. As mom said, I will be taking over from now on. Please let's continue the good work we have been doing and we won't have any problems with someone that likes punctuality and timekeeping in everything. Today I will be introducing some terms here later. We got to do another meeting if there are going to be any adjustments," he said and stood up with his mom and they both headed out. "He's so f*****g cute, insanely cute I swear!" his secretary replied the other... TBC.
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