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Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 8 By, baby favour ★★★★ Writer pov "Oh boy close your mouth" James whispered into his ear and he jerked back to life. "Wait! What? How could you do that?!" Noah yelled at the secretary. "Am sorry sir sorry ma'am, please it a mistake" she pleaded. "Fine,It's okay you just leave," Amelia said, inhaling deeply. "She can leave?" Eva wide her eye in terror. "Yea it's fine" she replied. "Get the f*ck out" James yelled at her and she rushed off like her pants were set on fire. "Gosh sorry about that" Naoh said, facing them gulping down slightly, his eyes didn't seem to leave that spot tempting. "Yea it okay,I think we have meet the CEO now we can take our leave" Eva said seeing how Naoh keep stealing glance at Eva bo*bs. "Oh okay maybe some other time we can have a pleasant meeting or might just eat dinner at your restaurant tonight" Noah said smiling brightly. "Oh you mean you are coming by?" Amelia asked, surprised despite their first meeting. "Yea or is it okay with you?" His eye glued to her bo*bs again. "No problem, we will be expecting you" she smiled briefly and stood up. "Thanks for coming," Noah said, stretching his hand for a handshake but Eva took it instead. He looked down at the hand and then back to her face and released an awkward smile. "We should get going now" She said, pushing Amelia to the front alittle. "Yea make sure you remember you have an apology to do" James said. "Oh,yeah yeah sure will" she replied and followed Amelia out. "Quick we still have a few minutes left" Amelia said and rushed down the stairs. (Back at the office) "You were staring at the girl bo*bs it obvious" James said. "Oh that she is beautiful" Noah replied, replyingthe scene in his head. "Mehn! You just agreed that she is beautiful? So are you going for her ?" "Definitely but, is she not the same girl as someone else's purpose to the other time?" He asked no one in particular. "Yes ash!! She's taken, wait I don't think so if she is engaged we should notice the ring on her finger right?" James said. "Well I don't even see her finger" Noah repiled. "That because you were staring at her bo*ob instead" he said. "I agree,let's just go for dinner there and confirm if she is really engaged," Noah repiled. "Yes,let's rock!" James said and picked his car key. "Where to?" Noah asked. "Of course we have to look good or she will reject you even if she is single," James said and dragged him out of the office. "This is not serious," Noah said, groaning. "Of course it is and after choosing new clothes we change your hair styles" he said and entered the driver's side. "Is this really necessary?" He was stressed out already. "Of course it is a baby and I will go after that b***h PA of her,she can't insult me and go Scot free it is not possible he said and drives out. ****** (Evening….. flower girl feed) James and Naoh walk into the restaurant with their security guarding them in. They ask for VIP space and badmus leads them there immediately. "Good evening sirs, what should we offer you? We have all sorts of dishes, just place your other," Badmus said grimingly, beside him is Vanessa the girl he yelled at some days ago for breaking the plate. "Well we have appointments with Miss Amelia just inform her that we are from The Brown" James replied and wink at the girl beside badmus. Vannessa who was secretly admiring his handsome gulps down unusual lumps in her throat caused by his wink. Badmus saw what transpired between them and smirked evilly. "Maybe it's time now" he thought. "Sir she has not been around since afternoon,she rushed up somewhere" badmus repiled. "Effort wasted," Noah said, almost laughing, releasing his tie. "It's okay , just serve us Italian dishes and wine" James said and they went away to take their other. They are under way to take their mother when badmus drags vannessa to an empty space with darkness. "You got some nerves now huh?" He said, pressing her neck hard. "Uncle what did I do?" She manages and forces the words out. "Maybe it's time to pluck those oranges that are making men run after you,you don't even have remorse? You too want to leave me ? It won't happen, trust me!! He said and kissed her lips roughly leaving bruises before leaving her there. "I can't believe someone turned my loving uncle into a monster! Why? She cried, bending on her knees. She wiped her tears and quickly ran after him. (Hospital..8:00) Amelia sat down,her head bowed in pain. James is beside her consoling her slowly. "She won't ever go back to that school again never!!" She cried even more. "She will be fine Eva" said. Paying her back slowly. "I hope so she looks lifeless Eva" she cried. "She will be fine she" said and hugged her well she cried on her shoulder. "I swear If anything happens to my daughter all of them will rot in jail and that child will not go Scott free! They will all pay" she said with a little anger in her. "Nothing will happen to her," Lucas confirmed. Two people walked in. "Good evening" they greet but only Eva replies to them. "Sorry, are you the mother of the child who is pushed?" The lady asked. "You are?" Eva asked. "We are really sorry for just coming when my daughter was… who pushed your daughter" the woman said. "Good just good pray nothing happens to her or you and your daughter will see the real me!!" She yelled. *Who is the mother of the daughter who rushed out?" The doctor asked on his way out of the operation room. "Am the one please" Amelia replied immidately. TBC
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