Untitled Episode

1996 Words

*Mary* As I first enter my father’s library where I have been summoned, I feel an overwhelming gratitude that Fitz doesn't sport any bruises, cuts, or swelling on his face. I fight the urge to rush forward and embrace him, to hold him tightly. I'm even willing to squeal near his ear. Reluctantly, I admit to myself that I had doubted he hadn’t harmed Stephan. In retrospect, it seems ludicrous. I know that. I had simply forgotten when confronted with the possibility that he could have done harm. He is not a vengeful man. Jealous, certainly. He has confessed that, but every Miss desires a man with a hint of green in him. It's a sign of how much I mean to him. That he cares. Although right now, I fear he cares about all the wrong things. He stands solemnly before me, his hands clasped beh

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