The boys they had been

1107 Words
*Mary* What's happening now is complete and utter chaos. As soon as the brothers vanish through the doorway, a cacophony of objections, protestations, speculations, and assurances reaches an unbearable level. Thinking, let alone talking, becomes nearly impossible. I stand gripping the banister, the only thing preventing me from sprinting up the stairs after them. That would be disastrous. My reputation would surely be questioned, maybe even ruined. A Young she-wolf doesn't chase after a departing gentleman, especially one who hasn't acted like a gentleman at all. Yet, I have so many questions. Where have they been all these years? What delayed their return until now? What happened to them while they were gone? They have obviously grown into men, but it hasn't been a pleasant journey. With icy eyes that sent shivers down my spine, they looked so harsh and unforgiving. I can't blame them, though. They've endured the worst kind of betrayal. Their own family tried to kill them. "I thought they were dead," Beta Danix sobs as someone questions him about how this could have happened. "I haven't heard from them in all these years. I have served as steward to the Alpha’s holdings because my brother would have wanted it. Their distrust and accusations are uncalled for." No, they are not, I want to scream. You locked them in the tower. Why do that if you didn't want to kill them? Beta Danix is sweating and gasping for air, the whites of his eyes showing as he frantically scans the people who once expected him to rise in their ranks. "I'm telling you," he rambles on, as if questions were asked while everyone just stares. "I wouldn't have petitioned for the title if I had known they were alive. I did everything to find them. They didn't want to be found. Even you all thought they were dead. You have heard the rumors. Wolves, disease, murder. How was I to know the truth? Did you know? Did any of you know?" Then his wild gaze lands on me, and I see hatred as if he suspects or knows what I had done back then. A shiver of dread runs through me, but I lift my chin defiantly, meeting his gaze with a challenging one. He pushes people aside as if they are beneath him, not deserving his attention. "The revelry is over! Go home! Leave me be!" He storms down the hallway, his wife of a few months following, wringing her gloved hands and squeaking like a trapped dormouse. She stops, turns to the guests, moves her lips, flaps her arms, and lets out a distressed moan before chasing after her husband again. My heart goes out to her; she doesn't deserve this turmoil. I'm startled when someone grabs my arm. "What is he to you?" Fitz asks. "Excuse me?" I ask. "The man claiming to be the Alpha of Snow Moon. You looked… enthralled." "Joyous," I admit, holding his hand. "They are alive. Until this moment, I feared they were truly dead. And it's more than a claim. It's the truth. They are who they say they are. We all grew up together until they disappeared, but I would recognize them anywhere." At least when they were together. I'm not quite sure I could make the same claim if I saw them separately. They lack refinement. There's nothing genteel about them. Their character exudes roughness, and their presence speaks of hardships endured, maybe not all conquered. I had long dreamed of seeing them again, but what I had imagined was not what appeared before me. People are pushing past us, heading up the stairs as the drama seems to have ended for now. I ignore the whispers and murmurs, focusing on the man in front of me even though I desperately want to know what people are saying, what they are thinking. "You do believe them, don't you?" He suddenly looks uncomfortable. "It matters little what I believe. My title is simply a courtesy. It carries no weight." "Among your friends it does." And I know that some of his friends hold their true titles. They could be powerful allies, should the brothers need them. "Come along," Fitz says. "It would be best if we left as quickly as possible. I don't trust the ruffians not to return and cause chaos. I have heard of bloodlust, but dear Goddess, until tonight, I have never seen it." "They are not ruffians, and they have a right to be angry. Beta Danix wished them harm. He was the reason they ran away." I squeeze his hand, wondering how to make him understand, only I glance around and see that people are slowing their step, lingering to hear our conversation. I won't have the recently returned lords serve as fodder for gossip. Although that ship has sailed, I won't add to its cargo. Instead, I say, "I came with Alicia and Aunt Sophie." He shakes his head. "You shall all travel in my carriage." "We have our own." I point out. "I don't like the way that man looked at you. He could be lurking about. Considering tonight's turn of events, it would be unconscionable for me to allow three ladies to travel without a male escort to see after them." We have the driver and servant, but I suppose he doesn't consider servants protection enough. Nor can I deny that I rather enjoy his concern. "We will need to find my cousin and aunt," I tell him. "I shall see to it posthaste," he assures me. "Do not leave this spot." "I wouldn't dream of it." I sigh. I watch with fondness as he marches off to find them. He will excel as a husband, always looking after my needs and wants. Caring for me, protecting me. I couldn't ask for a more attentive man in my life. I press myself against the banister to allow more room for others to leave. There is such a din, everyone talking at once. The ladies' eyes are bright, and while they try not to show it, it's apparent they are all tantalized by the delicious events that interrupted the dancing. And I suspect, by the three brothers who made their appearance tonight. Slowing her step as she passes by, Miss Hermione touches my arm briefly. "Do you know if they have wives?" I know precisely to whom she refers. The question bothers me when I know it shouldn't. I shake my head. "I don't know." "But you do know them." I'm not sure. I knew the boys they had been, but the men who were here tonight
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