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I clapped my hands as my eyes roamed around my room. Everything is perfect, the new design and decorations I placed here. I'm really happy that my parents allowed me to redecorate my room. "Beatriz..." I turned around and saw my Mom standing by door. "Mommy!" I ran to her and hugged her. "Look at my room! It's perfect." Mom caressed my cheek. "You're really amazing, Sweetie. You did great!" I giggled. "Thank you Mommy!" Mom nodded. "So, are you going with us? For sure you don't want to miss seeing Jazon for the last time." My eyes widened. "Jazon? I just saw him yesterday when he taught me Mathematics." My family has been friends and business partners with the Zaragozas. And I, being the only daughter of Ledezmas grew fond of their only son, Jazon Lucas. He's four years older than me, and he’s my tutor when it comes to the subjects I’m having difficulty with. Besides Lucettia Morfori, my girl best friend, Jazon was my companion whenever I feel sad and hurt. But that was years ago, when we were still children. He's now twenty years old and I'm sixteen. He became more aloof and snob since he hit puberty, and now that he's almost a man, I can't even approach him. I understood that. I'm dealing with my own changes while he's learning how life works. I'm only ten years old when I realized that I'm not just fond of him. I like him. I got a crush on him, if that's the same with my classmate’s definition of the word crush. And now that I turned sixteen, I still like him. I want to see him every day. I want to talk to him though he became very distant. I'm very vocal about my feelings, both of our families knew that I like Jazon. But for me, it's neither just infatuation nor simple adoration. My heart races when he's near me. I know I'm still young, but I know I love him. That's why I asked Aunt Alice, Jazon's mother, to let her son teach me some times. Well, I'm not a Math person, that's why I asked them. And it’s the perfect alibi for me to get a chance to be with him. And knowing Jazon, he can't say no to his parents. “I know you saw each other yesterday. Did he mention his flight today?" My body suddenly felt cold. "Flight? What's flight Mom? Where is he going?" "He's going to study in America, Bea. Did he not tell you?" Mom's forehead creased. Flustered, I shook my head. "Maybe he forgot..." But who am I'm fooling? I know Jazon won't forget that. He just chose not to tell me. Am I that really invisible to him? He knew I like him. I still remember the promise he made when I was five years old. "So, are you coming? The Zaragosas will use their private plane to take Jazon to the States.” I dashed out of my room and Mom's voice echoed, telling me to not run. I was out of breath as I strolled out of our mansion. I went outside the gates and run towards the mansion beside ours. The Zaragosa owns that and they're our neighbors. The guard immediately opened the gates when he saw me. I saw a limousine in front of the Zaragosa’s huge mansion and the butlers were busy putting luggages inside the trunk. "Oh, Beatriz!" Aunt Alice greeted me with open arms. "Are you here to bid farewell to your crush?" She teased me. Of course, she's aware that I like her only son. I smiled shyly. "Jazon!" Aunt Alice called his son from inside. I felt my blood pressure rising the moment I heard her call his name. I’m sure I looked like a tomato right now. After a while, I saw Jazon and his father went out from the main door. I saw how his expression darkened when he saw me. "Oh, it's my favorite girl, Beatriz!" Jazon's father approached me. He tapped my shoulder. "Hi Uncle!" I smiled sheepishly before turning to Jazon. "C-Can I talk to you?" Aunt Alice pushed her son a bit. "Go on, you won't see her for four years." Jazon just nodded and walked towards the garden. I followed him. "What do you need?" He coldly asked. I felt a sting on my heart. "You're leaving? Four years?" He tilted his head. His expression told me that he's doesn’t want to talk to me. "W-Why did you not tell me yesterday?" I failed to hide the bitterness on my voice. "That's got nothing to do with you so why would I?" Again, his cold stare pierced through my whole being. I stayed quiet. I don't know what to do or say. "So, are you done?" he asked. "I'll go ahead." He started walking back to the mansion and just passed me. I suddenly grabbed his arm. I don't know what got into me. "Wait!" He turned back, raising his eyebrow, alternatingly looking at his arm and me. "D-Do you still r-remember the promise you made when I'm five years old?" He pocketed his hand. "No." I tried to stay calm. "Y-You promised to marry me when I g-graduated from college." At last I finally told him that. I felt my hopes rose when I saw his face lightened but it faded instantly when he suddenly laughed. "You made me promise that. And I don't think I am responsible for that rubbish promise." Rubbish? I frowned. How can he say that? "B-But..." "Listen Beatriz." Jazon looked at me directly. "You're still a child. And I don't do promises to a kid." "But I like you!" I shouted, almost crying. His eyes widened, the look on his face implied that he did not expected a confession coming from me. "I really like you, Jazon! No, I think I'm in love with you!" I confessed, emphasizing every word. Jazon sighed. He took a step and leaned towards me. I stepped back. He lowered his gaze to meet mine. "Look Bea, you're just simply infatuated. And a kid like you don't even know what love is. Go back to your home, little princess and just play with your dolls." He even toyed and messed up my hair before turning his back at me, leaving me almost crying. My first love, my first broken heart.
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