1937 Words
When something inside of you is missing you are a living dead. When beautiful and bad memories were broken you tried to reconnect it. When your life turns upside down you try to balance it. But what if you are trying your best with a different result? What if trying to help someone leads you to your memories? What if the puzzles you are trying to fix will lead to heartaches and pain you already buried in the past? The past that you never imagined took something from you and there's no other way to bring it back. ********************************************** *bell rings* I yawned and stretched my two hands as I heard the school bell ring. All my classmates stood up and arranged their desks. I looked at my professor fixing her eyeglasses and picking up her books. I smiled knowing that this was my last month in college and the next month was my graduation day. I stood up, picked up my sling bag, and walked out the door. I walked in the wide field of the campus, filled with students with different statuses in life. Nerds, rockstars, rich kids, popular, and normal like me and my group of friends. "Hey Elena, wait up!" I turned my head to see Lenka running towards me. "Any plans for tonight?", I asked her and started walking with her. "Uh, no. I need to finish my thesis to be passed by tomorrow." I nodded. We stopped by the exit of the school gate to wait for our cars to pick us up. Lenka talked to some of our friends standing beside us. I put my two hands inside my jeans pocket and roamed my eyes. On the opposite side of our school shed is another waiting shed. I saw a guy struggling with something. He kept on holding his head but I cannot see his face properly. Me being curious I decided to talk to him. "Lenka, I am going to the opposite side. I need to talk to the guy over there." I did not wait for Lenka's answer because she was too busy talking to others. I walked towards him. He has a poodle light brown hair and fair skin. A student maybe? "Uhm, hi?" I greeted him first because he did not notice my presence. He suddenly stopped massaging his head and slowly shifted his gaze at me. I felt like my time stopped as our eyes locked. He has single eyelids, his eyes are dark brown but full of sadness. His lips are matched with his facial features. He wears a simple white tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers. "Hi." He greeted me and smiled at me, which made me come back to reality. I cleared my throat. "Are you okay? Looks like you are having a problem." He suddenly stood up, and I was now facing his chest. Oh my gosh! I covered my mouth, he was so tall! I looked up at him, and he was looking down at me. I gulped and took some steps backward to see him full. He has these long legs. A model? "I----I don't know too." My eyebrows met as I heard his answer. He does not know what he is doing here. "My name is Elena. You? What is your name?" He looked away from me and started holding his head using his right hand. His head kept on turning to left and right. Searching for answers. "Jun---ho. Junho is my name." "Oh. Junho nice name." *honk!* I turned around and saw my father standing outside the car. And he is waving at me. I smiled at my father and nodded. I look at this mysterious guy once again and he is looking at me. Goosebumps! His gaze makes me stop breathing. It feels like he controls my world. His eyes were beautiful, and he smiled handsomely too. "I need to go Junho. Nice knowing you." I smiled at him and he smiled back. I did not bother to wave at him and went to where my father was. Questions kept on bugging me until we reached our house. Will he be okay? Did he get home safely? I reached my room and shook my head. He is a stranger, why bother? I heard my Mom knock on my door and call me while I was in the middle of thinking about that Junho guy. I opened the door and let my mom come in. We both sat down on the edge of my bed. I look at my Mom's eyes, filled with worries. She is a very sweet mother to me, and she is overprotective when it comes to me because I am their only child. She holds my shoulders and looks straight into my eyes. "Mom, what's wrong?" "Are you okay Elena?" Huh? Why did she suddenly ask me that? I looked at her with my questioning gaze. "Your Dad told me that you were staring blankly outside your school. Something happened?" Oh, maybe when I was talking with Junho. "Oh no mom, I am okay. I was talking to the guy who got lost. I did not tell Dad that I was talking with someone." I smiled at my Mom and she nodded to me. She kissed my forehead and told me to go downstairs for dinner. I followed her and went to the dining table. After eating I went back to my room to take a shower to freshen up my mood. I lay down on my bed and my mind kept on showing Junho's innocent and smiling face. I know I just met him a while ago but I am very curious and I wanted to know more about him. But I don't think I will see him again tomorrow. The next morning as I reached the campus, I took a glance at the opposite sidewalk hoping to see Junho but unluckily he was not there. I went inside the building and I did not hear from him. What I mean is, there might be someone who saw and talked to him being lost. I shrugged at the thought of that. We took a short exam and a small presentation about our thesis. Nothing happened that much. I was walking with Lenka and some of my friends towards the gate. I looked at my watch it was the same time I saw Junho. I looked at the opposite sidewalk and there he is! He is wearing different clothes and looking at me, wearing his sweet smile. I was about to wave at him but I didn't want to grab the attention of my friends, so I sneaked away from them and walked to where Junho was. I don't know what's gotten into me but I smiled at him too. My heart flutters every time I see him smiling only at me. His eyes only looked at me. I feel like I am his. I feel like I am so special to him. And I am so happy to see him again, that my heart keeps on beating fast. I know this is my second day meeting him, but it feels like years. "Hi." I greeted him smiling. "Hey." I just looked at him as he smiled at me. "Elena, right?" I nodded. I am so glad he remembered me. He offered me a seat, so we sat together. I pulled out my phone, dialing my Dad telling him not to pick me up because I was with a friend. "So, why are you here again?" He looked at me and smiled. Seriously? Those smiles are so precious! "I am waiting for someone." Someone? I looked down and bit my lower lip knowing that it was not me and I was sure of it. I took a deep breath. "Who? Someone special?" Okay, I may sound like an intruder. I looked at him, looking at our school. I thought his memories were lost. Or am I wrong? "Klio..." Klio? He stood up so I followed his gaze. I stood up too and I saw Klio standing outside the gate. She is the new student and my seatmate. So he is waiting for Klio? I waited for him to act but I think he is shy to approach her. He just stood there wearing his sad eyes. Love quarrel? As a friend, I decided to approach Klio. I took a step forward and shouted her name. "Klio! Here---" Suddenly Junho grabbed my arm and I flinched. What was that? I looked at Klio, she was looking at me. She just smiled and went inside her car. Junho pulled me closer to him, and I looked at him. He is now looking at me with his questioning looks. I looked at the arm he was holding, and he followed my gaze. He let go of my hand and massaged his palm. That weird feeling when he touched me, a small voltage ran through my veins to my heart, making it beat fast. "You don't have to do that Elena." "But you waited since yesterday Junho." He sighed and walked. I followed him because this was the same direction as my place. I walked and ran because his steps are big, well yeah he has long legs. I held my arm where Junho grabbed me. What was that? "Are you okay?" Junho asked me. Maybe he noticed me having a curious face. I nodded at him. "How about you? Klio, it seems she did not see you. Are you okay?" I looked at him and he smiled again. "I am fine. Maybe she is not in the mood to talk to me." "Is she---" "She is my ex-girlfriend. That's all I know." I stopped walking. I think he sensed me so he stopped and turned around to look at me. "Elena..." "What exactly happened Junho? Did you lose your memories like what's happening in dramas?" He just looked straight into my eyes and smiled again. He raised his hand and made a hand gesture telling me to go to him. I did not hesitate and went towards him. We started walking again. "Yes, I lost my memories. I don't know why but I just woke up and I can't remember anything. One night I had a dream about Klio. Maybe a memory of mine with her but it's not that clear. All I can remember was her face and her name." This is what love is, even though you forgot your name, your love for that someone and that beat will truly lead you to that person. Love is a strong word. I nodded. We reached our house after a long walk, and I looked at Junho. "Where do you live?" He pointed at the house in front of ours. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth. Gosh, so he is my neighbor after all? But why I did not see him last time? "I just moved here not a long time ago. This is my vacation house." Oh, so that's why. I nodded again. I looked at the house once again, and it was dark. Maybe he is alone. "Do you want to eat dinner with us?" He shook his head and patted my head. "I will be fine Elena. Go on now. I can cook for myself." We parted ways as we bid goodbye to each other. I smiled before I opened our door, and I turned around to see him but I think he was already inside. I shrugged and went inside. Well, I am still happy to know him little by little.
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