(Book 1-Ruined) Chapter Nineteen

1687 Words

Avery I woke with the most glorious of aches between my legs. I felt like I had been thoroughly used. Thoroughly and obscenely used, I grinned. My hand reaching across the narrow mattress for him. After last night I was more than eager for round two. Or maybe it was round three. I had kind of lost track What with all the orgasms. My hand came up empty. The sheets that were tangled around me were empty. Empty and cold. Ruin wasn’t in bed with me. He hadn’t been in bed with me for a while. “Son of a bitch.” Humiliation heated my cheeks as I sat up, scrambling to find my discarded clothes where they had been strewn across the floor in our haste to get as naked as possible as quickly as possible. Had he left without a word because that’s what I had done all those years ago? Or was I just

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