(Book 1 - Ruined) Chapter Twenty Four

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Ruin “Where the hell is she?” I screamed it in Truth's face. I didn’t care that none of this was his fault. Same as he didn’t care that I was shouting right into his face. It had been hours, and with every passing second, a pit of dread was opening in my stomach, threatening to swallow me whole. The longer she was gone the more it grew. Avery was in trouble I knew it. And where was I? Kicking my heels in the clubhouse when I should be out looking for her. I wasn’t used to sitting back and let others do the work for me. It was killing me. “We will find her, Ruin we will. You don’t even know for sure something is wrong.” But I did know, same as I knew that if she was hurt, I would never forgive myself for letting her down again, even if she forgave me. “I know, I know that son of a b

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