(Book 1-Ruined) Chapter Twenty Two

1568 Words

Ruin She was gone, and she hadn’t even put up a fight. Her room was exactly the same as when I had left it. Her dirty clothes strewn across the floor. The bedsheets in disarray. Lifting the pillow to my face I sucked in a breath. It still smelt like her. How was it possible that she could be everywhere, like a damn ghost haunting the home of her childhood? And yet be nowhere at all. Avery was gone. The only thing that was out of place in the entire house was the bleeding old man I had left in a crumpled heap in the living room. Cutter. I had trusted him to keep her safe. Because I had known… I HAD KNOWN SHE WAS IN DANGER. I hadn’t known where it would could from but I should have followed my gut and stayed with her. My instincts had told me to, and they were rarely wrong. I always

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