(Book 1- Ruined) Chapter Twenty Seven

1744 Words

Avery He was avoiding me. Not ignoring me but definitely avoiding. He kissed my cheek anytime we were in the same room, which wasn’t very often. He was polite but he couldn’t hide the distance in his eyes when he looked at me. He was gone. I could tell. Whatever he had seen in that room or thought he had seen had changed the way he felt. And it stung. It stung so much it was like a knife carving out my heart. But I couldn’t blame him. Me having a crazy psychotic ex-husband hadn’t been what he had signed up for. As long as he was there for Parker that’s all that mattered. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself as the days passed. It was worse somehow this awkward politeness between us than anything else I had been through. And then there are the club girls. Girls who I knew

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