(Book 2-Truth Forever) Chapter Two

2273 Words

Cali Drumming my fingers on the worn wood of the table by the corner, I let my eyes scan the bar around me. My eyelashes fluttering against my cheeks. The room was almost full. But then that was to be expected on a Friday night. There couldn’t be many places to party in a town like this. Maybe one or two bars at a push. And it seemed like Cooks was the place to be if you were a leather wearing biker or the women that gravitated towards them. I was neither, but I had to admit I liked the atmosphere. I enjoyed watching people I had since I was a child, and there were plenty of people to watch here. Each one of them with their own hidden story for me to untangle. I liked the mystery of it all. I had always been good at reading people ever since I was a child. It was something I prid

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