(Book 2- Truth Forever) Chapter Seventeen

1617 Words

Truth I was a mess. I had been a mess since the moment I had found out. Sure I kept my agony locked deep down inside of me. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t there. Buried within. I had pulled a gun on her. On Cali. I had pressed it against her skin, and she had been so scared she had wet herself. It wasn’t the first time I had made someone piss themselves, but it had been the first time I had done it to a woman. And not just any woman. A woman I loved. I hadn’t let her explain. I hadn’t given her a damn chance to say anything. And I should have. I should have done a lot of things differently. Maybe I would have done them differently if I had allowed myself to actually listen to her. I had been so obsessed with hearing the truth that I had been blind to the truth right in front of my f

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