(Book 2- Truth Forever) Chapter Fifteen

2041 Words

Cali “He said what?” Gem froze from her place behind the bar, the empty glasses in her hand forgotten as she turned to where I was perched on stool, my arms crossed on the wood as I waited for her afternoon shift to finish. Not that I wasn’t enjoying myself. There was a freedom to being here. I had felt it from the first moment. This was a place where you could just be …. well just BE. There was no judgement. “Truth said what?” She repeated when I didn’t answer quick enough. “He said he had something important to ask me.” I took a sip of the cola in front of me. I wasn’t above day drinking. I had done more of that than was healthy over the last few weeks. But I didn’t want to be falling asleep on Gems sofa before six because I was steaming. Doing that was a great way to have the piss

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