(Book 1-Ruined) Chapter Thirteen

1338 Words

Avery “Come on.” I half carried, half dragged Parker from his bed. And in his half-asleep state he didn’t put up much of a fight, there were a few sleepy mumbles but that was it as he let me lead him down the stairs and buckle his still half-asleep form into the passenger side of the car. Our suitcase was already tossed in the back seat. It wasn’t like I had any time to lose. As soon as the sound of Ruin's bike had dwindled to nothing I had started packing. Throwing things in on top of each other haphazardly. I needed to get out of here. And I knew I didn’t have much time. My husband was on the way, hell he could already be in town. Although I doubted it. My husband was a problem but only if he caught up with me. Only if I was still here when he got into town. My main problem right no

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