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    "Edwardian you are of age to do as you please. However, you have responsibilities to attend to before you and your little aristocrat friend run around killing anyone who stands in your way. As the commander of the Daughters of Pierce, it is your job to make sure all of your sisters fall in line,"      She sighed letting her head fall forward not in fear because she didn't fear father or his rules, she only feared to disappoint him and with each passing year of his reign she losses that fear and the respect of him. These emotions are replaced with her disappointment in his actions as king and especially as a father.      "Forgive me father, but that is not my job. I am the leader of the Daughters of Pierce which means I need to keep the houses in line. No matter the means. I am not apologizing for my actions. You wouldn't understand. Your limitations prevent you from the ability to sire formers. This was something personal as a vampire not a Daughter of Pierce. I do, however, apologize for Dominion's actions I will deal with her accordingly," she always speaks to him formally within the Throne room. Heir of the house of Lamia to the king of the house of incubi.     Edwardian isn't known to hold back. She means every word even when knowing she's infuriating father. She is the first of her kind she had to deal with all of the surprises that came to be with the burden of being a hybrid. When Katherian was born she had taught her everything she knew about herself. It had been easier for her as well as Dom and myself. Although, we all had our own surprises when the time came. E knew exactly how to take care of us.     Father stood up looking back at her disapprovingly. He began to pace back and forth no doubt thinking of a way to punish her. She isn't nervous, not like the others had been when the angel's had been here. She didn't believe in fear it was one of the things she had to embrace when mother had died. Her worse fear had come true and she had survived it. There is close to nothing that she fears aside from the death of her siblings, Avaira, and the General. Father can drop dead and she wouldn't even flinch.     "I believe your words are sincere, Edwardian," father finally spoke as sat down on his massive throne. "Which is why I will be punishing you and Dominion alike. You leave me no choice, but to disband the Daughters of Pierce until an actual threat is present,"     "Father I..." she began to protest. When he stood up and came face to face with her. Her body reacted as it did with anyone else who dared to challenge her. This being the exception, she held it all back. The snark, the urge to murder. She held it all back without saying a single word. She held his gaze for a second letting him know that she isn't afraid of him. That she's only backing down because he is her father.     "You are the eldest Edwardian and I expected more of you. I still do. You give me no choice. You will tell your sister this,"     "Yes sir," she nearly growled through gritted teeth. She didn't dare look him in the eyes when she spoke. She's looking at the wall behind father if she made eye contact with him she'd want nothing more than his blood on her hands.     "And as for your punishments you and you sister will have through go to the arenas for a full combat trial," he growled looking into her eyes knowing the displeasure he's causing her. He has no idea how close to death he is or maybe he does. He just doesn't care.     "As you wish sir," she agreed slowly almost disrespectfully.     "Get out of my face, Edwardian. You are no closer to being queen. None of you are prepared. I doubt either of you will ever be,"      "You feed us all this bull s**t about being nonviolent. Yet, you throw us into the worst pits of it. I am not just a succubus are you forgetting? It was you who made this blood lust in us. You say we are not fit to rule and you fancy yourself a great king. When mother died you stopped being a king and a father. You had two newborn daughters to raise and you let me and Philip do it for you just like every other responsibility.     "Perhaps you know that your reign comes to an end. Mock my words father dearest, you will regret this for as long as you shall live. I will make sure of that. My mother was a great queen and I may never live up to her name, but you are a failure as her king and the father of her children," he raised his hand to slap her, but she caught it making his guards come forward weapons drawn. "I'll be damned if I ever allow you to put your hands on me or anyone of my siblings. I'll go to the f*****g arenas and when I return your days as king will be numbered,"     "You threaten me?" he growled. It's barely there. You have to look closely into his eyes and hold his stare to see it but it's there. Fear. Edwardian can see it. She can taste it in the air around him. Disappointment is an understatement.     "Do with my words as you please. I haven't been afraid of you since I was a fledgling. Now more than ever do I pity you. Have a good evening, father. I excuse myself. I have to pack,"      As she turned her back to him, he let out a massive roar that shook the door before she pulled it open. She glanced back over her shoulder to smirk at him. He's in pain. He's been that way for a long time. She knows what he wants from her. They both know she'd never do it. She sighed heavily before she slammed the shut behind her. She let out a light giggle angering him further. The sounds of things being thrown around echoed in the empty hallway as she walked away from him.     "E," Katherian called out to her as she walked into the library.     "Avaira's first name is Lutherian," Dominion laughed from the other side of the room.     "Dom, leave those alone," Philip smiled at her playfully.     Edwardian slapped the report scrolls out of Dominion's hands. She picked her up by the straps of her dress and slammed her against the bookshelves. The shelves cried out with the amount of pressure she's pushing against Dom. The finally broke apart sending wood splinters scattering all over the floorboards as the books all came down on them. Edwardian didn't flinch. Dom's air was knocked out of her lungs. She fought to take in a proper breath before she spoke.     "E, what the f**k," Dominion choked out pulling at Edwardian's wrists, desperately trying to get free.     "You f*****g little s**t. You couldn't behave while I was gone even if it f*****g killed you. Go and pack your s**t we're leaving,"     "I'm not going anywhere with you," she cried as she began clawing at E's wrist. Edwardian let her go as blood began to trickle down her forearms from the scratches Dom left. Dom fell to the floor still trying to take deep breaths.     "Yes, you are. We both are. Thanks to your inability to behave, Edward, made it clear that the rest of us will always be to blame whenever you f**k up. He's making sure it will never happen again. He is sending us both to the Arenas. For Six weeks. While you are there you are to acknowledge the fact that you will never set foot out into Darkness without one of us watching you at all times do you understand? Or are you going to make me punish you?"     "E, we both know you wouldn't dare," Philip brushed her off, coming over to help Dominion off the floor. She ran out of the room blood red tears staining their way down her pale cheeks. Edwardian stepped away from him feeling his strength add to hers. It's never good when he's this close to her. Especially of she's upset like this.     "What about the Daughters of Pierce? We can't just not do our job," Katherian asked.     "He suspended the act. Kat you can't let him manipulate you. I know pleasing father is what we have always strived for, but we can't let him do this us. He is looking for a reason for us not to do what we have to do. Darkness is going to hell with everything that is going on and he hasn't done a single thing to change that fact that we're falling apart,"     "You cannot ask me to disobey. I'm not you. Father would kill me if I did,"     "He wouldn't. You are much stronger than him even if he tried,"     "No, you shouldn't say things like that. Once your sentence is up we can go back to the way thing were,"     "There is no going back. Ever since mom died father isn't the same. The House of Incubi is barely getting by in the council. Abbadon has told me that father just sits there and waves off whatever matter is at hand. Our houses will not fall because our father cannot move on,"     "You have never lost a mate. We haven't even found our mates, E,"     "That doesn't give him a right to not try. It's been sixty-five years to the day. I thought he would be better when he married that succubus. It seems as if he has gotten worse. The house of Fallen and the House of Lucifer are starting to think they're in charge. We need to take back what is ours and reunite the houses like mother had planned,"     "She was killed for thinking like that E," Philip finally interjected. "You're going into the arenas. Whatever you're planning, the angels cannot find out. You'll never make it out of there,"     "I cannot sit here and listen to this," Katherian shouted and walked out. Edwardian let out an exasperated groan as she looked at our brother annoyed with Kat's cowardliness. He put his hands up in surrender letting her know he wasn't going to say anything about that. Kat's always been this way.     "Which is why we have to meet somewhere private. We can't trust her Phi," E pointed towards the door where Kat had been standing.     "I know. Go and apologize to Dom before you go,"     "I'll try," they both smiled at one another.     "As soon as the wing-grams arrive, I'll send them up,"     Edwardian had almost finished packing when the wing-gram was slid under her door. She finished packing her battle leathers and a few dresses so when she left the arena compounds. The knock on the door came shortly after she was done. She picked up the paper with the wax branding of the arena Halls. Princess Edwardian Pierce, We regret to inform you of a two moon cycle sentence within the Valerian Darkness Arenas. You will be escorted to the halls of eternity to meet the Arena master Demon officer Tobias Carmichael. Best of wishes, Alpha Harriet Montgomery.     The succubus father married stood at the doorway as Edwardian made her way down the stairs. She has a smile on her face as Dominion and Edwardian walked out of the house. Edwardian growled at her as she passed by knowing that it would make her jump back. A growled came from behind her. The smile was gone and fake tears began to stream down her face. E and Dom both shook their heads.     "You will respect her, Edwardian," father's voice boomed from behind her.     "My first deed as queen will be to set a decree for a pardon of any kind to hunt this b***h like the animal that she is," Edwardian smiled at her without looking away.     "I only ever wanted your respect," she dared speak. "I know I would never be your mother,"     "Shut your filthy mouth. You were not asked to speak to me. Don't be here when I come back Malivia. It would be for the best,"     "You are no longer welcomed here," father growled Edwardian and Dominion both laughed.     "Go ahead and disown me, father. In doing so you are declining all ties to the House of Lamia making me queen much sooner than expected,"     "Where did I go wrong with you?" he shouted gripping his wrist. He does that when he's frustrated.     "You didn't go anywhere. That's always the problem. You married this power-hungry b***h and we all know she was the one that killed Cassian. She was the one that set mother's death bed," the slap came out of nowhere. Edwardian's head whipped aside by father's hand. The taste of blood filled her mouth making her smirk.     "You dare hit my sister," Dominion growled. Edwardian placed herself between her and father.     "Mother is rolling over in her coffin disgraced by the both of you," Edwardian seethed spitting her blood at the feet of her father.     "Philip, where are you going?" Malivia asked.     "Away from here. The House of Incubi and the House of Lamia will always be united by us. I have no business here with a king that is useless and his queen that serves as nothing, but a burden. I will be staying with uncle Damian in my mother's home,"     Katherian stood at the bottom of the staircase watching everyone leave. Three carriages awaited them. Edwardian looked at the wing-gram in Dominion's hand. Snatching it out of her hand. She read what he had done. Edwardian and Dominion were placed in different arenas. Rivaling halls to be exact. She took both the wing-grams and balled them up throwing them at Katherian's feet. Kat bent down to pick them up.     "You still think he deserves your trust and love?" E asked her. Her tone almost sounds defeated.     "You set them against each other?" Katherian asked looking back at father.     "I did what I had to do," he answered.     "You did what she asked. I deny being your daughter. I, Edwardian Pierce, renounce you as my king and father,"     "I, Dominion Pierce, renounce you as my king and my father," Dom followed.     "I, Edward Pierce, accept your rejections," he accepted looking at the both of them.     "I won't stop being your son, but I won't acknowledge you as my king," Philip said as the three of them went over to their carriages.     Edwardian watched as Malivia wrapped her arms around his waist with a smirk on her face. The hollow emptiness that flashed through her let her know that the rejection had taken its place. She was a bit glad that she sitting alone in the carriage. She gripped her chest allowing the pain to sweep through her briefly.     Father has fallen off the mighty horse he had once sat upon. He had changed when mother died and even more with my death. All that is left is the empty shell of his vessel. It broke my dear sister's heart to see him fall this far. She hadn't wanted to do this, but he gave her no choice. Philip is moving into Duke Mansion to figure out a way to overpower him and Malivia without them killing him.     I don't remember my death and I do not remember mother at all. Edwardian's accusations mean nothing to me, but if she is correct I will help her in anything she needs to get there.      "Cassian," she whispered out loud. The only other sound are horses and the sound of the wheels moving against the grovel outside.     I'm here. I echoed in her head. The sound bouncing around like an empty dungeon space. My voice is childlike. Her favorite way to remember me in.     "Philip and I are going to need you to pass on messages," she whispered the sound of her voice breaking added onto the pain I already feel inside of her.     I understand. I answered as she wiped away the tears with the back of her hand.     "I will stop at nothing to figure out why you're alive inside of us," she whispered with a sigh.     Please, be careful. Try to keep communications to a minimal. she smirked knowing that I have been learning through her and the others.     "Try to keep Kat out of trouble, please. Dom too,"     I'll try. she smiled. It's finally time for me to be useful again. 
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