
1495 Words
    Dominion arrived at the hall of light with anger that could fuel the fires of hell. She paced back and forth in the sparing hall after she had thrown her belongings into the chambers she was assigned. The wooden posts served their purpose as she began to hit one of them with a closed fist. The pain shot through her arms and knuckles with each blow. It didn't stop her from splintering the post and moving to the next one.      The sound of the hardened wood getting pounded into echoed loudly in the high ceilings of the hall. The doors were swung open and the sound of wings fluttering echoed in the space above us along with each hit she landed on the second post that will probably won't last much longer.     "Whatever it is you're mad at, beautiful, needs to be put away," a voice whispered in her ear and she was pulled away from the splintered post.         Dominion began to take in deep breaths wanting it all to go away. Her thoughts jumped around in her head. Memories of Edwardian teaching her how to be formal in the eyes of the hierarchy of all houses, all while teaching her how to defend herself. Memories of the both of them laughing as if being in each other's presence was enough to make the world good. At least it had been until Malivia.     It had been those moments in which she had been the happiest. Dominion had never known mother and Edwardian had been the next closest thing. Right now she wished she had stayed at the stupid princess ball like Edwardian had asked her to. She had just been cooped up in that mansion for so long that she didn't bother thinking about the consequences when she saw her opportunity to escape.     "She will fight back. She'll kill me," she blurted out loud feeling the weight of her words press down on her heavily.     "Who?" she turned to find an angel looking down at her. Everything inside of her came to a roaring standstill. Her eyes began to ring as she looked into this creature's eyes.     "My sister. She would rather kill one of us than let anyone else take Darkness from her," she said calmly. Why did all just fade away like that? What is this? She asked herself looking down at her bloodied hands with splinters in her knuckles.     "Princess Edwardian?" he asked and she nodded. Even the sound of his voice soothes her very soul. "Well, I know a little something about having to fight my brothers. My brother Abbadon is in one of the rival halls,"     "My sister is as well,"     "My name is Daniel Chambers," he introduced himself.     "Fifth angel prince. I've heard of you," she greeted him. He gave her a side glance with a little mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "I'm Dominion Pierce,"     "The rebel princess," he chuckled. "It is an honor, your highness,"     "Do you mind helping take these things out of my knuckles?" he smiled and motioned her to a bench. She always thought she hated angels, but this one is too perfect to hate.     He looks nothing like the others she's seen. His straight pitch-black hair is shaggy and carelessly pushed back. It fell over his eyes a bit when he leaned forward. His skin has a bit of color, his brilliant blue eyes looked more like adorning gems than eyes. They served their beautiful purpose. If that purpose is to urge her to look into them until she lost all that she is to them     She had never felt this kind of presence around an angel either. It's intoxicating a kind of glamour that is drawing her in, in the most violent of ways. No, she didn't hate this angel. He's much too perfect. ~     Katherian sat alone with a glass of blood sitting in front of her. Edwardian wasn't one to make false accusations. She couldn't believe this though. What if Edwardian was just saying those things to make father upset? It wouldn't be the first time she said something absurd to get her way.     "Kat," she looked up to see Malivia walk in and sit next to her. The succubus took the glass of blood and sloshed it around before she set it back down uninterested in it.     "What can I help you with?" Katherian asked taking the cup and drinking the rest of the blood before Malivia could put her hands on it again.     "I wanted to apologize for what happened tonight. Edwardian is upset. She will come around. She misses your mother," her tone is innocent and warm.     "Edwardian doesn't let emotion cloud her mind. My sister would never accuse anyone out of anger like that. She is a queen, not a commoner," she snarked placing the empty glass on the wooden table.     "Grief and the inability to accept that life is moving forward differently than planned can cloud any mind with anger. I know from experience,"     "You know nothing about us. I know you are my father's wife..." a dizzy wave coursed through her body like anxiety making her feel weak.     Kat? I spoke up, but it was Kat's mouth that moved. I had spoken through her.     "I see you are still with us Cassian. You will no longer be able to inhabit this subconscious again," Malivia smirked placing her hand on Katherian's head.     Kat, be careful. I shouted.     The color didn't come like it did when I switched from mind to mind within one of my siblings. A dark smoke began to cloud around me along with a cold breeze. I haven't felt anything physical in a very long time. Not since becoming whatever it is that I am.      Panic filled me for two reasons. One, this is the first time in a long time I feel my own emotions and two because this had never happened before. I began to try and move around. What is this place? In the distance, I can hear voices. I moved towards them. The smoke began to fade, the images of a clearing came into view.     "This is impossible," a voice growled. I know that voice. Abbadon Chambers.      "We haven't found a body like this in centuries," a woman countered.     "Do you not recognize her?" he asked.     "Should I?"     "Azreal, this is Princess Cassian Pierce," Azreal shook her head.     "Princess Cassian was murdered in Duke Mansion forty-eight years ago,"     "It's here," he whispered leaning down to touch my forehead.     Suddenly the darkness returned and he stood there with me. Abbadon Chambers is the heir to the House of Fallen. The very first angel born, not created by the Creator's grace. The angel stands before me glowing like the light of the angel elixir that keeps them immortal. I had never seen anything so majestic before.     "You're alive," he expression is one of shock. He can't believe this. I'm a little stunned myself.     "No, I haven't been alive for a long time," I answered. I've never heard my voice sound like this before. Is this how he remembers it? Did I really sound like this at some point in my life?     "Have you been here?"     "No," he smiled reaching for me but our hands never made contact. He went right through me.         "I'll find a way to bring you back to me," he smiled before the colors returned.     I was dragged away from him and slammed into the council room. There is no one here but a scream that bounced off the high ceilings and walls. I covered my ears looking around trying to find the source of it.     "You will never get what you want," I turned to see Edwardian. Only this isn't my sister. This woman has blonde almost yellow hair. There is blood staining the front of her white nightgown her belly is swollen as if she were with child.     "I always get what I want Milianne. I won't kill you right now. Believe when I say by the time I am finished with you and your daughters are going to wish I had," the man stayed hidden under a dark cloak. Mother fell on the floor gripping her belly. I think she's having contractions.     "Father if anyone finds out..." I turned to see Malivia. She seems younger than she does now.     "No one will take your place again. This fang b***h and her abominations will die before they can take the House of Incubi again," he shouted. "Go to his side and do what you should have done from the beginning. Fail again and I will have your head, you incompetent girl,"     "Yes, father," she whispered submissively lowering her head before she left.     When she reached the door of the Council the lights engulfed me taking me to the next mind I'll be staying in. I hope it's something familiar. These minds are frightening. Bothered beyond the day to day hardships my siblings have to endure.
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