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Ember's POV "Ember?" Tristen asked quietly, the shock evident in his voice. Lucas and Caleb appeared just as stunned upon seeing me. What kind of unlucky fate am I tied to? Being the mate of my bully triplets was something I had never imagined. Caleb's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. This... this is some sick joke, right?" Lucas clenched his jaw, his usual nonchalant demeanor replaced with anger. "Out of all the possible mates, she's the one the moon goddess decided to curse us with?" Tristen took a step back as if recoiling from an unpleasant sight. "No way. This can't be happening." I stood frozen, still in shock at discovering the identity of my mates and the harsh reality that they found me repulsive. Lucas scoffed, his tone dripping with anger. "The moon goddess must be playing a sick game with us. We can't possibly be destined for someone like her." Tristen's gaze bore into me, his voice turning venomous. "You stained our reputation enough at school, and now you're supposed to be our mate? I won't stand for it." I felt the sting of rejection, not just from them but from the cruel hand of fate itself. "I never asked for this either," I managed to murmur, my voice barely audible. Lucas scoffed again, his eyes ablaze with fury. "Well, we're not accepting you as our mate. Find someone else to burden with your presence." My eyes burned with tears from their cruel words. Unable to stand it anymore, I ran off, my vision blurry from my tears. The pain I felt was overwhelming. As I sprinted away from the grand hall, the crisp air did little to ease the burning ache in my chest. I didn’t want to return to the pack house because I couldn’t bear to see the triplets right now and listen to whatever hurtful words they had to say to me. I stopped to take in my new surroundings, realizing I had been running lost in thoughts. It was a miracle I hadn't hit my head somewhere. I found myself at the quiet lake near the academy, popular for its silence. The only thing breaking the stillness was the calming sound of water flowing through the lake. I squatted at the edge of the lake to allow myself to calm down. Though I had stopped crying, the hurt in my heart was still as fresh as ever. The silence was interrupted by the sound of angry footsteps approaching. I turned in alarm to see my new company and cringed in annoyance upon seeing the girlfriends of the triplets, their faces contorted with annoyance as usual. Gosh, not again—dealing with them was the last thing I wanted. “You b***h! You must be really happy after what you just caused, right?” Fiona yelled in anger. “You’ll pay for this, you disgusting b***h,” Diana snapped. Vera, who looked the most angry, ran towards me and furiously pulled a bunch of my hair, grabbing me. “Leave me the f**k alone, I didn’t do anything,” I replied, just as angry. I was completely clueless about what they were talking about, and honestly, my mood was already too soiled to deal with their cruel behavior silently. I tried to push Vera off me, making her fall flat on the sand. “You still have the nerve to deny it, huh? We would teach you a very good lesson,” Fiona said, lifting her heels and jamming them into the middle of my stomach. “Ugh,” I coughed out, the pain unbearable. Diana pounced on top of me, keeping me pinned to the floor. I didn't have the strength to get up after the damage Fiona had caused. “Because! Of! You! Lucas! Dumped! Me!” Diana yelled, punching me after each word. I could only imagine the damage I would see done to my body after all this—that’s if I even survived it. They looked like they were on a mission to end me. What? Lucas broke up with Diana? How was that even my fault? “You lowlife! Now the triplets have dumped us because of you!” Vera spat, throwing a punch my way. “I promise I didn’t do anything, I had no idea,” I managed to choke out. “Shut up, you liar! Ugh, you piss me off so much,” Fiona snapped. Punches followed, leaving my body bruised and in complete pain. “Pl-please, stop,” I begged, my voice cracked from crying too much. “This is what you deserve! In pain and begging for your life,” Diana chuckled maliciously. Why did the triplets break up with their girlfriends? They already made it obvious they didn’t want me, so why did they end things with their girlfriends already? I had no control over their choices, but it seemed like these girls needed someone to blame, and I became the unfortunate target. “How is it that a lowlife like you happens to be mated to all three of the golden Alpha sons!! It should've been us, not a nasty omega. Greedy b***h!” Vera shouted, pulling my hair tighter than ever. It was like she intended to rip it off my skull. “Arghhhh,” I screamed in so much pain, feeling like I was about to pass out, slowly losing consciousness. “Stop, don’t kill her, we could get into trouble,” I heard Fiona's voice faintly. Diana’s punches halted, and the weight of her body lifted. “What do we do to her now? How do we explain this?” Diana said, their voices just like a murmur to me since I was slowly falling into utter silence. “Let’s throw her into the lake. Her case could be brushed off as she was injured by wild animals. No one cares about her that much to look into it anyway,” one of them suggested. I could hardly distinguish their voices now. I felt myself being picked up and carried somewhere. I wanted to fight for my life, but my limbs felt dead, and my eyelids wouldn’t dare to part no matter how hard I tried. “See you in hell, b***h,” a sinister voice said, and suddenly I was falling into the freezing lake water. The water drowned me, and I was left with no strength left to fight for my life. This was it...
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