1239 Words

EMBER’S POV "Who is there?" I turned around repeatedly, trying to make sense of the darkness. It rose the fear in my heart in spades, and I found myself clutching my chest. What was going on, and why did I feel like someone was looking at me through the lens of darkness when I couldn’t see anything myself? I took a tentative step forward, hoping I wouldn’t fall into a ditch. "Please, if there is someone here, step out! I can’t bear this crazy prank more than it’s needed." "Why do you fear?" came the voice from behind. I turned and saw a shadow standing in semi-darkness. Squeezing my hand to my side, I hoped my wolf would be alert to protect us if it became necessary. The shadow glided towards me, and I simply remained where I was like I was rooted to the spot. "Speak," the voice said

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