
1027 Words

Ember’s POV After my talk with Anna, I felt a lot better. She had this warm, motherly vibe that comforted me. We both wished each other goodnight, and I went back to my room. Knowing this room belonged to a girl who is now dead sort of changed my view of this room. It felt a bit weird… I changed into my pajamas, the events of the day replaying in my mind. I wished my dad was still here to hug me and tell me everything would be okay. I never really minded the mistreatment I always received because of my low rank since my dad was there to remind me of how special I was. But now, I was all alone… Lying down, I tried to find comfort in the soft pillows and warm blankets. Sleep slowly began to claim me, and I drifted off to a peaceful night. --- The sun's rays peeking through the curtain

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