Part 11

1084 Words

Part 11   Ben's POV I was pissed off after I heard what happened to my youngest brother on his first day of school. Something really bad could have happened to him. I thought he's taking the best suppressant there is. A sudden heat? Because of his mated pair. This soulmate thing is getting on my nerves. Whoever this Ram is, I don't like him. Well, I never liked him. I wanted to stay at home with my family today. Especially for Boon, but my dad insisted on me going to work. He had a point for I have a very important appointment with a business partner. I also have a lunch date with Fah. A friend. She's a sweet girl my mom introduced me. A little bit of a tomboy but she gets me. She owns a café and that's where I'll be meeting her. Boon was going to miss another school day today. He's

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