Part Two

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Part Two   Ram's POV Today, I'm starting a new chapter in my life. High school. I was dragged by my parents to study in the US for three years when I was twelve. I was confused as hell why. Now I'm back in Thailand. I missed home. And here I am, Bangkok my love. Hopefully staying for good. And him. I miss him. I wonder how he's doing. Does he still live here in the city? My parents wouldn't tell me anything. Except for... "You'll see him again. Just...not now." Frustrated, I kicked the wall in my room. 'I want to see him. Now!' "P'Ram! Breakfast is ready!" My younger brother, Kam just barged in uninvited in my room. I was brought back to reality, away from my thoughts of the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. "Don't you ever learn how to knock?" I snapped at him seeing his face first thing in the morning. Even my windows and blinds were still closed. "This is Thailand, bro. No such thing as privacy between family," he said while looking around, probably trying to find something he can take. Not that I mind. We do have the same interests. "There's no such thing dumbass!" I snarled. "This is my room. My rules. And I'm still your older brother," I told him as I threw one of my pillows straight to his face. He dodged it at the last minute. Lucky dope. "P'Ram, are we staying here for good now? I mean, I did like Washington but I like it here more," Kam asked me out of nowhere, slumping his ass down on one of the couches. "I hope so." I gave him a short answer as I was still thinking of my first day of school. Kam is on the last year of middle school. Our sister P'Irene the eldest, has already graduated from university and now working at our parents' company. She's an engineering graduate. Both my parents are engineers. I guess it runs in the blood. "I'm sorry you had to continue middle school here because of me," I apologized to my brother when the thought of the reason we went back home came to me. "Are you kidding? Why would you apologize? I wanted to come back home. I should thank you." My brother looked so happy telling me this. "Wait. Ooooooof! What are you doing?!" He suddenly gave me a suffocating hug. Where did that come from? "P'Ram, I hope you find your vanilla strawberry today," he said after hugging me and leaving my room. He didn't even close the door. D*ck. Kam is the only person I have told about my encounter with a boy who smelled like vanilla and strawberry. We are only a year apart so we are very close. I have a cousin who's the same age as I am. Phraisong. He was my best friend. I guess we just drifted apart after I left for Washington. He had to guts to tell me he wanted my vanilla strawberry. Hell no! So I never told Phraisong about it. Kam has been understanding though. We've always had each other's back. June. This was around the time I met him. I never got the chance to know his name. Or where he lives exactly. I have tried looking everywhere. I had a fuzzy memory of the party where I met him except for him. Just him. It was like everything that was going on was just a blur and all I remember was him, his face, those black orbs under his thick eyebrows and his pale skin. Where are you, my love? Damn! I am love struck! Kam was right. I never really understood it in the beginning till all my hormones got to me.  Well, being surrounded by kids my age also helped me understand what I was feeling. Puberty. Tsk! Plus, I am a growing alpha. Not only did I grow up quicker physically but mentally and emotionally. I don't think it matters whether one is an alpha, a beta, or even an omega. Individual growth should also depend on someone's environment. Not just from the influence of one's genes. My father is an alpha. My mother is a beta, so is my sister, both as brilliant as they can be in their field. Kam and I are both alphas. Our second gender is determined as early as eleven when puberty starts to kick in among teenagers. I found out mine when I was twelve. Anyway, time to get going. School is waiting. My vanilla strawberry is waiting. I hope he is. *** The school reminded me of my previous one back in Washington. Red colored brick walls. Four storey buildings. Uniforms? Yes, I am wearing one. White short sleeved shirt with green tie plus black pants. Long pants. And black shoes.  What do you expect from a private school, right? This is nice, I guess. Phraisong's dad is really something. He owns a lot of schools. And I'm getting into one of them. Why can't I study somewhere else? But then again there was something that was pulling me here. I just couldn't pinpoint what it was. Ugh! Whatever. Let's just get inside the freshman hall and into the auditorium. Orientation. What a boring start of the year. Walking through the hallways, I felt a pull. Kind of magnetic. It's like telling me, leading me to go to a certain spot. Dunno where but it was pulling me, alright. My heart was beating rapidly behind my ribcage. Damn. And there it was. The same scent that took me to see the most beautiful creature in my life. That smell... My vanilla strawberry. Is it him? Please tell me it's him. There he was. Standing by the auditorium entrance, wearing the same uniform I was wearing but he definitely was rocking it. He looked lost in his thoughts though. Just like I was a few seconds ago. I bit my lower lip as I walked closer. "I found you. My Vanilla Strawberry." "Cinnamon..." all that he could say back looking straight at me. Biting my lip, I looked at his beautiful eyes. Those lips, pink and oh so plump. The movement they made when he uttered... 'Cinnamon' sent tingles down my groin. Sh*t. "Wait..." My breath hitched from his lovely scent. "...You said, 'cinnamon'. Is that I smell?" I asked the beautiful boy in front of me. He didn't say anything back, just kept staring at me. "Hello? Love, did you hear what I just said?" "..." Damn! He smells soooo good. Even more intense now that our distance was too little. So sweet! I just want to bite his neck! "Baby, hey... It's me, your cinnamon." I tried to wake him up from his trance and kissed him on his right cheek. He suddenly jolted back to reality right after I kissed him. "What was that?! Did you have a taser? And did you shower with cinnamon?" the beautiful boy suddenly asked me a question after another. His face was so red. Gorgeous. I want him---- I wasn't able to grab my vanilla strawberry when someone yelled at us to get inside the auditorium. "Hey! Both of you! Get inside. The orientation is about to begin." ___________________  
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