Part 18

1030 Words

Part 18   Ram's POV I feel so nervous but very excited at the same time. My heart is racing like there's no tomorrow. My legs feel like jelly as I made my way into the secret passage. I feel like a criminal. Though I am anxious as to what awaits me on the other side, my steps began to feel lighter as I near my intended destination. I have to make it there. Safe and sound. Not interrupted. Not distracted. Not caught. I have memorized the direction from his text message. I read them not once. Not twice. But ten times. Maybe more. This can't go wrong. Nothing should go wrong. Few more steps. There it is. A light. That must be the room. Thump. Thump. Thump. Slow down heart. We're almost there. The smell of dirt is disappearing. Creak. I pushed the heavy wooden door at the end of the

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