Character Summary

234 Words
Iago: a Florentine who bears an evil grudge against Othello, believing that Othello has usurped his destiny Roderigo: Desdemona's unsuccessful suitor who hires Iago to help make his failure a success Brabantio: a senator of Venice and the father to Desdemona Othello: a Moor who has attained the rank of General of the Venetian armed forces and who is the newly-wed husband of Desdemona Cassio: a Florentine and a gentleman who is promoted to lieutenant by Othello Duke: the Duke of Venice Senators: senators of Venice Sailor: he who brings news about the Turkish fleet sailing to Rhodes Messenger: he who brings news about the Turkish fleet increasing their numbers at Rhodes Officer: man in charge in conveying the Sailor and the Messenger to the Duke and the Senate Desdemona: Othello's newly-wed wife and Brabantio's daughter Montano: Governor of Cyprus who welcomes the Moor and his party and who finds himself inadvertently brawling Cassio First Gentleman: man attending Montano Sencond Gentleman: another man attending Montano Third Gentleman: yet another man attending Montano Emilia: Iago's shrewish wife who attends to Desdemona Herald: he who makes a proclamation on behalf of Othello Clown: a punning servant to Othello and Desdemona Musician: a less than competent musician Bianca: a courtesan and Cassio's mistress Lodovico: a gentleman who is Brabantio's kinsman and Desdemona's cousin Gratiano: Brabantio's kinsman who, due to Othello's marriage to Desdemona, is effectively Othello's uncle
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