Karen Chapter 20

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Of course, I have been thinking about this whole Daddy Dom thing ever since he explained it to me. There definitely is something super interesting about it to me. I would love to not feel guilty about doing the things I like. Playing all day. Hanging out with my stuffies. And I often wish that I had people to share that side of myself with. I hate having to act like a grown-up. It feels like I am lying to myself and others. I have always wanted someone to take care of me and to want to be with only me. Dan told me to think about it before I give him my answer. What would it feel like to have his hand on my ass? What would I have to do to get him to really spank me? To claim me? I feel wetness spread through my p***y  and I do not need to think any longer I can feel that this is right for me. I turn to Dan and say, would you be my Daddy and never let me go? Dan smiles and answers, are you sure baby girl? I need you to be one hundred percent sure because once I am all in, that is it, you will be mine forever. I nod and say, yes, Daddy, I am sure. He gets this huge smile on his face and man is he handsome and he wants me and only me. I turn and look out over the lake and ask him now what should we do? Well, baby girl, you just ate so do not think of going swimming, why do you not color some more? What about you, Daddy? I ask him. I am going to go into the lake and cool off because Daddy is a little on edge right now.  I watch as his naked ass walks into the lake and I bite my lip, and without meaning to, I snap the crayon I am holding in my hand. And as he slips into the mirror-like surface of the lake, I whisper ‘f**k’ to myself. I pick up the two pieces of broken crayons and push them onto the paper. After a few minutes, I got had to go to the bathroom and so I went behind a tree completely forgetting to let Daddy know that is what I am doing.  Daddy had one rule when he went to go swimming and that was for me not to leave the blanket unless I asked him for permission and to let him know where I will be. He told me we were safe, but still out in the woods where anything can happen, and therefore, his need to protect me is at an all-time high. So, when I heard him hollering for me, I knew I was going to be in trouble. Where were you, baby girl? He asked me when I came back into view. I had to pee so I went behind that tree over there. What did I say about not leaving my sight or letting me know what you are planning on doing? Daddy asks me calmly. I was to stay on the blanket or ask you before I do something that takes me where you can not see me. I reply. I am sorry, Daddy. I know, but I think I am still gonna have to punish you. If you are OK with that. ’ ‘Punish me?’ I ask. ‘Well, discipline, really.’ ‘If I am gonna be your Daddy, I need to know that you are gonna obey my rules.’ My cheeks flush pink. ‘You are already my Daddy,’ I say. ‘Feels like you have been since we met.’ ‘Then that makes it even worse that you broke a rule.’ Said, Daddy. ‘What is the discipline going to be, Daddy?’ I whisper. ‘I am gonna have to spank you.’He says. ‘Will it hurt?’ I ask. ‘If I’m doing it right. And I always do it right. Are you OK with this? You do not have to do it. Only if y—’ ‘I want to,’ I say, quickly. ‘Really badly I want to.’ I say nodding. ‘I deserve it. I was naughty. ’  ‘Well, alright. Then you better come with me,’ said Daddy. I walk behind Daddy to a stump that is over by the lake and I watch as he sits down and spreads his legs a little and tells me to bend over his knees. ‘But your shorts are soaking. I say. I’m gonna get wet. ’ ‘You’re gonna get wet no matter what,’ Daddy growls. I bite my lip. Then I bend over his lap. He places a hand on my ass and asks me what are you getting spanked for? I reply I did not let you know I had to pee and left your sight and scared you. That is right, baby girl, and for that, you will get twenty swats on your almost bare ass. Since this is your first spanking I will leave your tiny pink thong on, okay? Okay, Daddy. ‘Daddy,’ I whisper, ‘I am nervous.’ ‘Don’t be,’ he says. ‘You will be OK, and if you are good, we will not ever need to do this again.’ 'Now, choose a safe word,’ Daddy says. ‘You know, something that wouldn’t come up in the normal talk.’ ‘Ummm, what about… rainbow?’ I ask. Perfect and so adorable, says Daddy. Does that mean you do not want to spank me now? I ask.  As he rests his hand on my ass, are you ready, Baby girl? I make a small sound of agreement. He brings his hand up and lets it smack down against my bare skin. I WHIMPER. IT hurts, but it is a good pain. A clean, short pain that reverberates around my body and makes my p***y pulse with desire. He’s looking right at my ass. He is looking right at my private parts. I am so wet right now, so stupidly wet — wetter than I think I have ever been in my whole damn life. It is like my body wants to open up for him, wants to let him in. Another one coming up,’ he says. I am desperate for his touch again. The next blow lands close to the center of my buttocks, and it’s even harder than the first. My whole body shakes. This time, the pain passes almost instantly and is swallowed up by intense anticipation and pleasure. ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ I say, wriggling a little in his lap, desperate for some relief. ‘Quit moving around,’ he says. He sounds angry, but I know he’s turned on. I can feel his c*ck pressing up into me from below, nudging at me, eager to get in. Another spurt of wetness.  I know he must be able to see it coating me — the p***y spit has to be soaking through my pink panties. I hope he’s as turned on as I am, this beast of a man, staring down at my body. I want him to devour me — want him to take big chunks out of me. ‘Sorry, Daddy.’ Another slap. My skin burns with pain. I cry out. ‘You OK?’ ‘Uh-huh,’ I reply, biting my lip, giving in to the sensation. I can feel my eyelids flicker as he spanks me again and again. The pleasure’s so huge I start to wonder if I might just come like this. I’m putty in his powerful hands. ‘Well done,’ he grunts. ‘You took your discipline like a good girl.’ ‘Thank you. I did my best.’
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