Katrina Chapter 18

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The next morning we get up and feed and water the puppies then take them out for a walk and potty time before we have to kennel them while we go to the airport to get Karen. Dan arrives and we load up and head to the airport and I am so excited I can hardly sit still and that causes Alex to issue a warning to stay in my seatbelt while he is driving or I will get my ass whipped.  We arrive at the terminal that she will arrive at and now we wait. I am having trouble just sitting around waiting and I know that I am bothering Alex with my inability to sit still, yet he just kept calm and had a look in his eyes that I will answer for my behavior at some point tonight. But surely he will not spank me with Karen in town, will he? I watch from the window the plane coming in and taxi down the runway. I am jumping with joy and I can hardly contain myself. Dan and Alex just sit there looking at me like I have lost my mind and maybe I have because I have missed her so much and now she is finally here. When the passengers start to deplane, I walk over to the entrance to wait for her with my sign held high with her name on it in bold sparkly letters. Karen sees my sign and runs over to me and squeezes me so hard that I let out a little yelp and hug her back. Alex and Dan walk over and ask her which suitcases are hers and she tells them the pink ones. As they come around the luggage carousel the men take the suitcases and we head out to the truck with me and Karen just talking so fast to each other and not paying attention to the guys. Finally, I remember my manners and introduce Alex and Dan to Karen, and when I introduce her to Dan I notice she flushes a little and I know that means that she likes what she sees. We decide to go have lunch before heading back to the ranch and when we get to the restaurant I am seated with Alex and Karen is seated with Dan and I can tell she is nervous and I think it is cute. When I whisper in Alex's ear that Karen likes Dan he whispers back Dan thinks Karen is very beautiful and wants to get to know her more. Can I hope that they fall for each other and that she will stay here permanently? When we finally arrive at the ranch the first thing I do is introduce her to Justice and Karma and she falls crazily in love with them. We take them outside and I spread out a blanket for her and me to sit on while the puppies play in the yard. We talk about what all has been happening while we were apart and I am sad when she tells me how unhappy she has been and that she has no one left in Russia. I ask her if she would consider staying in America and she said she wants to but how will she do that with no job or home. I tell her we can ask Alex if she can stay with us or in one of the cabins on the ranch. And she can learn how to help on the ranch for a job.  Karen says, can I ask you something? Sure, I said. Ask me anything you want. Is Dan married or dating someone? No, he is single and looking for the right woman to come into his life. Why are you interested? If you are I could find out what he thinks of you. I know he thinks you are beautiful because he told Alex he thought so. What is he like? She asks. Well, he is loyal and he likes to take care of the woman he is with, and by that I mean he likes to be in control. He helps run the ranch so if you stay and help on the ranch you will see him a lot and be able to get to know him. Can he teach me how to ride a horse? Karen asks. Of course, he will. He would love to teach you anything you want to learn, that is just the kind of man he is. And I really hope that you guys like each other so that maybe we can be those couples that do everything together. Oh, I would love that too. Says Karen. I wonder if he will ask me out or should I ask him? I think he will ask you very soon. These men see something they want and they go after it with haste. But be prepare yourself because they are also very intense men and when they love they love deeply.  While we are talking Dan comes out and asks me to give him a minute alone with Karen, so I take the puppies inside and go to find Alex and let him know what Karen was saying about not wanting to go back to Russia and if he thinks it is possible for her to stay either here or in one of the cabins. I think we can arrange for her to stay in one of the cabins and she can help you around the ranch and the housework. Alex replies.  I shout and run to Alex and throw my arms around him and tell him how happy that makes me and that I love that he wants me and her to be happy. I kiss him and it starts as a small kiss but quickly turns into a heated kiss and he pushes me to the desk and tells me to pull up my skirt and bend over the desk he needs to apply a spanking for my inability to control myself at the airport and then he needs to take me hard and fast. I am soaking wet by the time he finishes talking and so I do as I am told and every smack to my ass is making me hotter and hotter and I am moaning so loud I am sure Karen and Dan can hear me, but I do not care I only want Alex inside me filling me up and making me see stars. By the time he enters me, he thrust in and tells me this will be hard and fast because he has been thinking of this moment for a long time and will not be able to last long. I grip the desk and hold on as he thrusts into me over and over and when I scream that I am cumming he tells me to c*m for him and then we c*m together and he lifts me into his arms and carries me to the couch and just holds me.
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