Katrina Chapter 16

1170 Words
I have been busy all day getting Karen's room just right so that she will want to stay here with me. I have flipped the mattress and hung up new curtains, swept the floor, washed the windows, cleaned the ceiling fan, making sure there was no dust anywhere. I stand back and inspect my work and find that everything is ready for her arrival. I am so excited and can not wait to see her again and to show her the ranch I am sure she will love it as much as I do.  Karen is set to arrive the day after tomorrow and I want everything perfect. I plan on making her favorite chicken dinner. Chicken with Provel cheese in the center with mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese. Since it is still just me again tonight I am only making soup and sandwiches, I miss my husband and want him to come home soon. He said he would be back in time to pick up Karen from the airport and he has never lied to me before. Just as I am cleaning up dinner, I notice it is almost time to call Alex to wish him Goodnight, I figure I will double-check to make sure the house is locked up tight and get ready for bed before I make the call. As I check the locks on the front door a knock gives me a jump scare and I asked who is there and it was our new ranch hand, Tom, I hesitated and asked where was Sam the ranch-hand who always checks on me at night. Tom replies that Sam had an emergency in town and that he asked me to check on you and the house.  I open the door and let him in so that he can report back to Alex that the house is secured and locked up tightly. I do not like the way he is eyeing me up and down and suddenly I wish I did not leave my cell in the kitchen. He just stands there and eyeing me slowly and said, you are f*****g perfect and I think I will take you for myself. I tried to run, but he grabbed my hair and yanked me back to him, I screamed, but with no one left on the ranch, it was useless.  You are going to be my slave and by the time your old man gets back, we will be far away from here. I will train you how to obey me and only me. I will not be gentle like him, I will beat you until you learn, and do not think tears or begging will help you because they will not. I will use the belt nightly to ensure that you remember at all times that I am your master. You can not do this, I am married and I belong to Alex, not you, never you. I screamed. I promise if you let me go now and walk away and never come back, I will not tell Alex what you are doing. No, you obviously did not understand me, I mean to take you with me and there is nothing you can do about it. Now, we have time so I want to start your training right now. Go stand by the couch and strip off everything you have on and do not make me repeat myself or this first spanking will be worse than it already is going to. You see I need this to start on the right foot so I am to be way more strict than that p***y Alex and that means your spankings will be double if not triple what he gives you.  But, why me? I ask trying not to cry and wishing Alex was home to stop him. I saw you in town the other week and I knew I had to have you and the only way to get close was to apply here and pretend to work here and get the lay of the land and to watch for an opening. Now, enough procrastination and do I said do not make me say it again. I walk to the couch slowly and see that if I can run fast enough I might make it to the bedroom and lock the door and hide in the master bathroom with that door locked. But how do I call for help? What can I use in the bathroom to defend myself if he gets in? I glimpse my phone on the edge of the cabinet I may be able to grab on my way. When I make it to the couch, I turn like I am going to obey, and then take off grabbing my phone and slamming into the master bedroom, and locking the door. He starts bagging on the door yelling at me that he is now going to spank me until I am black and blue and will not be able to sit for a week or more. I do not want to take a chance of just one door between us so I went into the master bathroom and locked that door as well. I looked around and the only thing I could use as a weapon is the wood handle of the plunger, well, beggars cannot be choosy so I make sure to keep it by my side. I am sitting on the floor with my back up against the door and I can hear that he is still outside the bedroom door but I do not know for how long. I try to call Alex and it just keeps ringing and he is not picking up.  I do not know how long I am sitting in the bathroom when suddenly there is a very loud bang on the master bedroom door and heard it break open and he is banging on the bathroom door, still threatening me and throwing himself at the door. Through the window, I see headlights and can only pray that it is either Alex or Sam coming back early. The next thing I know Alex is yelling and Dan is yelling that Sam is hurt and needs an ambulance pronto.  I can hear the men fighting and I stay in the bathroom until I hear Alex say, come out Katrina you are safe now. I slowly open the door and see that Alex has Tom tied up and on the floor. Alex grabs me and pulls me to him and I start to cry. Alex just holds me until the police get there and as he hears my statement to the police he is getting angrier and angrier.  By the time the cops left, I felt like I had been run over by a freight train. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open. Alex carries me to the bed and tucks me in and tells me to sleep and that we will talk in the morning.
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