Alex Chapter 5

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I helped her down out of the truck, and with my hand on the small of her back, led her up to the front porch, only removing my hand to unlock the door. I find it unlocked already, and I step in between Katrina and the door, not knowing what to expect. Seeing Dan in the doorway was a shock because I had told him to stay away for a few days. After I sent him packing, I picked my bride up and carried her over the threshold, and I said welcome home. And what a home it was. Sprawling in a squared-off horseshoe shape, two stories, it seemed to go on forever. The front hall had a wood floor accented with rugs to give it warmth. Straight ahead, a massive living room dominated the main floor, with hallways leading off in both directions and a staircase also shaped like a horseshoe. I place her on her feet, and with my hand on the small of her back, begin to give her the tour of our home. After the tour, I take her into the library, and we sit on the love seat to finish our conversation. I hand her the list of punishments and let her read the contract, and wait for her to see if she has any questions. She reads over the contract slowly, and I can see her blush and also see her place her hand on her throat and gulp a few times. She is nervous and maybe even a little excited. I wait for her to put the contract down and for her to meet my gaze before I begin. When she finally looks up at me, I begin to verbally go over the punishments, and so I start with the basics. Katrina, do you understand everything you just read, or do you need me to better explain some of them? She opens and closes her mouth a few times and then tries again to speak. So, if I break any of these rules, I get spanked or whatever you deem fit as punishment for the said crime? I nod and tell her, let me give you an example. If you talk back to me and do not follow instructions as I ask them of you, then you will be bent over my knees and get your ass bared and spanked, now if you put yourself into danger, then the punishment will be much worse. I take my responsibility seriously, and your health and safety if my most important responsibility. I take care of what is mine. And you are mine, and I am yours from this day forward. I can not believe how much I already care about her, and I need to get control of myself. I wonder if she realizes yet, that she is a little? She is showing all the signs, and I know my radar is pinging that she is, and now I just have to bring it out of her. A discussion for another day right now is our wedding night, and it is time to take her and make her mine. I stand and reach out a hand for her to take, and when she places her small hand in mine, I feel the strong urge to protect her and make sure she is happier than she has been. I take her upstairs to the bedroom. And I walk her to the bed and tell her to strip slowly. I want to see all of you, I tell her. As she is slowly taking off her shirt, I ask her if she has ever been touched by a man in any way, and she shakes her head no. Use your words, please, I tell her. Katrina looks up at me and says, no, Daddy, I have never been touched by anyone. Good girl, I am proud that you remembered the correct address for me. I walk over to her and say, you are so beautiful, a mere breath, as my lips closed over hers. She tasted like honey, and I do not think I will ever get enough of her. Tonight I will be gentle as I can be since she is a virgin and has never been touched. My palms traveled from the underneath side of her raised arms, down to her rib cage, my fingers flexing against her back, my thumbs barely brushing the outer swell of her breasts. On a moan of pure masculine sensory pleasure, I drew her even closer. I wrapped her in my strong embrace, let her discover her s****l awaking. I worked one of my thick, muscular thighs between her legs, and she moaned in satisfaction as she ground down into it. Both of my hands sliding down her back to grab the globes of her ass and guide her hips as they worked. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and helped her to lean back, supporting her. As her hips continued to grind against mine, I bent down and kissed along her collarbone, then made my way across the soft mound of her breast. I took her n****e in my mouth and treated it to the rough flat of my tongue. I moved to the other n****e and gave that one the same treatment, and suddenly her body was out of control. Katrina's hips bucked desperately, and she cried out, Daddy! And, suddenly, she was cumming so hard. It was beautiful to watch her come apart like that, and I am the only one who will ever see it. I have decided that I will not share her with anyone, not even Dan, my best friend. We have shared in the past, but I will not be sharing with my wife. I am going to be an overprotective asshole, and I do not care. After her orgasm, I lowered her onto the bed, then I laid myself over her. I entered her slowly, panting, eyes closed, and I knew she was ready, so I thrust in and held my position until I saw the pain fade. And then I begin to thrust slowly allowing her to adjust to my size and having been penetrated for the first time. Soon I began to thrust harder and harder moving the bed in rhythm. Katrina lifts her hips to meet each thrust, and she takes me deeper each time, and she is so tight I know I will not last much longer. I c*m with a roar, and that leads Katrina to her second orgasm. I lifted Katrina up and carried her to the shower, bracing her body against mine as I reached in to adjust the water. I got into the shower, bringing Katrina with me, and held her up under the spray. I washed her hair with orange-scented shampoo, tore open the bar of soap, and ran it over her arms, legs, and torso, the whole time holding her propped against my body. By the time I had opened the soap, I was aware that she was fully aroused again, and I know exactly what she needs. I shifted my grip on her carefully, one arm wrapping around her to cradle her right breast, and the other hand circling her waist dipping between her legs. Baby girl, you are so needy, I say, marveling. God, you are beautiful. Katrina whined, swollen and desperate, beyond words, and pushed herself into my hands. I have got you, I tell her quietly, my thumb circling her n****e as two fingers found their way inside her and stroked. It is okay, baby girl. I will give it to you as much as you need it. You do not need to worry about that. I turned her to face the shower wall and entered her from behind this time, fingers still working between her legs. I f****d her slowly and gently, knowing how sensitive she must be now, bringing her gradually along. I picked up on the cue and worked my fingers faster, and as she cried out her pleasure. I helped her out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her, holding her close. I have got you, I said. Take your time.
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