Alex Chapter 15

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Dan and I noticed that the fencing looks like it has been tampered with and that was concerning. We have heard of some of the ranches around us were targets of horse theft and with no witnesses, they do not know who they are. We fix the fences and decide to go to town and see if anyone has any new information about what is going on.  The Oakley ranch was the last one hit and they lost ten horses in two days, that is a hit to the wallet and no one can afford for that to happen. As a neighbor, I want to help them to try to track down the horses and the thieves. When the sheriff calls for all ranches to meet and strategize what needs to be done, and who all has time to ride out and search for either the horses or the men who are responsible. I hope that we can get this done before Katrina's best friend arrives for her visit. After the posse came all together we set out to find them. We had a few clues that people have called in and so we are going to go check each and every one of them. Not knowing how long we will be gone makes me nervous leaving Katrina alone that long, but someone has to take care of the animals and the ranch. I have ranch hands that will be helping her and also making sure she is doing well in my absence.  Dan, how is everything going? Have you found someone special yet? I ask.  No, and I am losing hope that I will find her. Dan says. Maybe you will find a love connection with Katrina's friend that is coming over from Russia to visit, and if she feels it too maybe she will stay. I tell him.  When is she coming? Dan asks. And what is she like have you ever met her or what does Katrina say about her.  Katrina says she is very much like herself, which is why they are best friends and that she knows that Karen has nobody left in Russia and that she is lonely. Katrina misses her so much and I hope that we can convince her to stay here in America, but she will need a green card and a marriage or work visa.  When she arrives, let me know and I will come over and meet her. Dan informs me. I will do one better than that, I will take you with me to pick her up from the airport, and we can go to dinner after we pick her up. It will give you a chance to get to know her, and not be awkward between you both. Dan says, Thank you, Bro. We arrive at the first site that reported a strange horse trailer and when we approached the men around the truck they were more than willing to show that not only did the truck belong to them, but also the horses. They said they would help in any way that they can because as ranchers themselves, they understand the importance of stopping the thieves.  We head off to the next location and after three days of traveling and not finding the men and the horses things are getting a little heated between the men. On the fourth day, we spot a horse trailer that matching the description of the trailer we are searching for. We follow the truck for what seems like days but was really only a couple of hours before it pulled into a hotel parking lot.  We wait for them to go in to rent a room and then we walked over to the trailer and checked the VIN number and found that it matched. We found these assholes and we are going to a little rancher fun before turning them over to the police. This is going to be fun and we will teach these fuckers not to me with ranchers.  We all stood in a huge circle and had the thieves in the middle as three of us at a time we entered the circle ready to fight and teach them a lesson and to get rid of some of the tension that we all had. Being away from our ranches and our wives is torturous. Dan and I went in and between the two of us we put the hurt on each of them and while we each took a few hits as well, it was just what we needed to let off some stress. Once we turned the men over to the police and left the number to the ranch that the horses belong to, we headed back to the hotel for the night. I decide to take a shower while I wait for room service and for my night check-in call from Katrina. As I wash I can not help but remember taking a shower with Katrina right before I left. The way her mouth felt on my c*ck and the look in her eyes as I thrust deep into her throat had me getting hard as steel, but I refuse to take care of myself when I will be home with Katrina tomorrow and will have plenty of time to play with her. When I get out of the shower room service has already brought in my dinner and I was just about to sit down and eat when I checked my watch and saw that Katrina has missed her check-in time. She has not missed one check-in the entire time I have been gone, so I am immediately concerned.  I dialed her cell and got no answer, and then I called the house, still no answer. I feel my anger rising up and before I do something stupid I call Dan and tell him what is happening. Do you think something has happened to her, or do you think she is being a bad girl and just not answering her phone? Dan asked me. I know she has been doing very well lately, so maybe she is acting up because she misses you or to get you to come home to spank her.  I stare at Dan for a minute and steady my breathing and trust my gut and I tell him something is wrong, very, very wrong and I must leave right now. Dan tells me to give him two minutes to gather his stuff and we will head back home instead of waiting until tomorrow.  What I do not get is why George has not called me if something has gone wrong. He better have a damn good reason for not calling me the minute something went wrong. I tell Dan. He nods his head and says, I have to believe she is okay and we are just panicking because we are so far away from her right now.  We get into the truck and head home both of us quiet while we run different scenarios in our heads.
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