Katrina Chapter 12

1274 Words
I was so sore from the wrangling of the mares and foals yesterday that Alex takes pity on me and tells me to just worry about the chickens and the goats and cleaning the house while he and Dan work the bigger animals and the fences. I hope the soreness works out of me today because I am hoping that he will take me to the playroom tonight. It has been a week since we have been in there and surprisingly I miss it.  After I had fed the chickens and gathered the eggs I move over to the goats and muck out the old straw and lay down new straw and feed and water them, I noticed that I was not as sore, so I decided to weed out my vegetable garden and then went to wash up so that I could clean the house. As I am cleaning my cell phone and the TV both start to buzz with an alert, this catches my attention and I go to the TV and read the alert that flooding is expected in our area. Apparently, north of us got too much rain and it is heading our way and our river and creeks are already at a high level due to our own rain. I try to call Alex, but he does not answer and so I decided to go move the horses that were in danger to higher ground to keep them safe. I go out to saddle Fancy, thanking the lord I learned how to saddle her, which makes me get to the horses in danger quicker. We do not have time to mess around if that water comes in and floods that pasture we would lose not only the horses, but the money we have invested in them and the money we would have made selling them. I could not let that happen to Alex, and I wanted to show him how much I do care about him and the ranch. As I enter the pasture and begin to herd the horse up the hill towards the high pasture where they will be safe I make it halfway up the hill when there is suddenly a loud roar, like thunder rumbling and I look to see if there are any storm clouds in the sky and I only see blue skies. The roar keeps getting louder and louder and I just knew that was the floodwaters coming and coming in fast. I kick Fancy into a fast run, hoping to get the horses and myself up to safety in time.  Just as the last horse goes through the gate with me fast on her heels, I swing the gate closed and when I look up I see a river of fast-moving water that is wide and deep. I reach for my phone to call Alex and that is when I noticed that I forget to grab my phone in my haste to get to the horses. Now, what am I going to do, I am stuck here with the horses until Alex finds me or the water recedes enough for me to wade through. I look around and I am thankful that there is enough grass for them to graze on while we are stuck here. I continue to look around when over the next hill is a cabin, I head there and dismount Fancy and tie her to the post out front and walk up to the porch to try the door. It opens and I can tell immediately that this cabin has not been used in a very long time. I can only hope that there is some water here for me to use while I wait. I walk in and start to uncover the furniture and work my way back to the kitchen and I am pleasantly surprised to find not only water but food as well. Since I have never been in a flood before, I do not know how long it will take before the water starts to subside. Since I have nothing else to do I start to clean the cabin and start a stew for lunch, after a few hours the cabin is spotless and the bed is made, so that if I have to stay the night I have somewhere to sleep I go to check on the stew and see that it is just about done. I have enough time to go check on the horses and make sure the gate is secured and that no horses can get out.  When I am satisfied that all is secure and that the horses are safe I head back into the cabin and the aroma of the stew makes my stomach growl and that is when I realized how hungry I am. I am about to make myself a bowl of stew when I hear the horses start neighing and stomping their hooves. I walk out onto the porch to see what is upsetting them and I see Alex galloping towards me and he does not look happy. Alex pulls to a stop and jumps off Hurricane and ties him to the post with Fancy and then stomps up onto the porch and stares at me before saying, do you have any idea how much trouble you are in little girl? I shake my head no and try to tell him that I did not do anything wrong, when he holds up a hand and says, I do not want to hear anything from you about being innocent. You did not have your phone on you, nor did you stay at the house to stay safe, you also endangered your life herding the horses by yourself. What do you have to say for yourself? I feel a tear streak down my cheek and say nothing. Alex walks over to me and takes his thumb and wipes away my tears and says, save those tears for when I give you something to cry about, baby girl. You will get twenty-five licks for each rule you broke and by my count, you broke four rules. One, you do not have your phone on you. Two, you did not tell me you were leaving the house, no text message or voice message. Three, you left the safety of the house during a dangerous time, alone. Four, you put yourself in danger of being the only one herding when anything could have happened to you. Do you agree with what I just said? Alex asks me. I nod and say, yes Daddy, I did break those rules, but I did it because I was afraid of the horses dying and you losing money on them. Baby girl, I would rather lose thousands of dollars than to ever lose you, do you understand me? I care about you, my wife not the damn horses if it means you are in any danger at all. Now, I want you to strip down and go over to the bed and bend over the footboard and wait for me. I walk over to the bed and do as I am told I reach for my shirt and remove it and place it on the dresser, before moving to her pants and panties. I fold them and place them on top of my shirt and then remove my bra. As I am doing this I watch Alex staring at me with a look of pure pleasure on his face. I know I am about to get punished and yet I am so wet for him I can feel it slide down my thighs. 
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