Chapter Fourteen: Besties

1879 Words

Killian might be tanky, but in the face of a calm, cool, and somewhat sinister Lady Lydia Lionette, even he seemed to understand some bosses weren’t meant to be face tanked. He finally turned tail in a huff, and hopped into his carriage, driving off at a speedy clip. “That was fun.” Angelo said, smiling brightly as the lingering tension broke. “Don’t lie, you were scared shitless.” Marlo elbowed his brother, who grunted a little at the sharp contact of elbow against ribs. “What were you two idiots thinking getting in Killi’s way? He could, and would, kick both your asses - magic or no.” Lydia groaned, rolling her eyes as the twins started smacking at each other playfully. “And I wasn’t even inside.” “Yeah, but he didn’t know that.” Angelo shrugged a little, then turned his attention to

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