Chapter Eighteen: The King and the Emperor

1480 Words

“Well, that was fun.” Ellie grumbled as she strode into the cottage, shutting the door hard enough to set the knick knacks on the nearby shelf rattling. “You were right, Ichigo. Fifi did come looking for you. It would have been nice to see her again if I hadn’t needed to lie to her. Though, I’m not sure if I should have been happy to see her or not…” Ichigo hadn’t been particularly forthcoming about his and Fifi’s current situation, but since he’d asked the troubadour to run his former partner off, she got the sense that things between them were...not good. “Thanks for covering, Ellie.” Ichigo said as Pita snipped away, the pair of scissors in his deft  hand flashing as long strands of black hair fell to the floor. “I’m not sure how good of a job I did.” Ellie said, grimacing a little.

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