Chapter 13 Be More Creative Next Time, Loser

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Mr. Green was already in the office, and clearing space for Ivan when he arrived. He pointed to the desk opposite his, "Mr. Frank, that’s your desk. I sorted out office supplies for you yesterday. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”   Ivan glanced at the stationary laid out on his desk and thanked Mr. Green.   "No problem," Mr. Green replied and smiled. "We’re colleagues now and Principal Ailsa asked me to help you settle in, not that you need my help. You showed how capable you are, yesterday. I still can’t believe how you managed to control Class 3!”   Ivan tried to appear modest as he casually smoked a cigarette with Mr. Green.     Mr. Green picked up a notebook. “Mr. Frank, I’m timetabled to teach Class 3 first lesson this morning. Would you like to check out my lesson plan? I understand you will be there to ensure class discipline."   Ivan nodded, “Sure I’ll be there. No, I don’t need to see your lesson plan. In fact,” he laughed, “I’m looking forward to attending your lesson and learning from you as a teacher.”   Mr. Green checked his watch, “Let's go then, Mr. Frank."   When they arrived at the classroom, the door was ajar and loud laughter and chatter escaped into the corridor. As the school bell rang, all the other classrooms immediately fell silent. Surprisingly, so did Class 3!   Mr. Green looked at Ivan with a frown and whispered, "That's strange. Why are they so quiet? They never acknowledge the bell. In fact, they always continue being rowdy throughout the lesson."   Ivan smiled at Mr. Green and was about to push the door open when Mr. Green stopped him and pointed to the window. As Ivan turned around, he saw a head quickly disappear.   Ivan immediately realized that Class 3 had a trick up their sleeve.   These guys really had it in for him.   He touched the phone in his pocket, "Mr. Green, give me a minute."   Mr. Green was puzzled, "Mr. Frank, where are you going?"   “I need to go to the bathroom before we go in for the lesson," Ivan told him.   Since the bathroom was empty, Ivan quickly took out his phone and pointed it towards Class 3. The classroom soon appeared on the screen. All the students were quietly waiting for the teacher to arrive, except for Gino and Sam who were sniggering behind their hands.   He saw Sam smile at Gino and point towards the door frame. Following Sam’s finger, Ivan could see a bowl of water, ready to fall as soon as the door was pushed open.   Ha, they were planning to soak him as he entered the classroom!   So, they wanted to embarrass him.   Ivan laughed.   What an old-fashioned trick! They clearly weren’t very imaginative in their skullduggery!   Focusing back on Gino, Ivan could see him holding a bag of soil. It would appear that the plan was to first soak Ivan and then throw the soil over him. A perfect double kill!   This kid was certainly a handful. No wonder previous form teachers had been unable to control him.   Now that Ivan knew what Class 3 was up to, he quickly started the energy input. This time, he tried the memory and physical strength input together. The energy would last for exactly forty-five minutes, enough time for one lesson.   He left the bathroom with his body full of strength.   Mr. Green was waiting anxiously for him, “Mr. Frank, they must have done something to with the door."   “Don’t worry,” Ivan reassured him. “I will go in first. You come in when I call you.”   "Okay, Mr. Frank, but please be careful."   Mr. Green was nervous. For him, it was as if they were about to enter enemy territory, rather than a classroom.   Ivan smiled and with a nod, he gently pushed the door open.   As the bowl of water fell, Ivan swiftly swerved to avoid it and the water splashed onto the classroom floor. The bowl turned in the air and landed squarely in Ivan's palms.   Suddenly, the bag of soil came flying towards him. Ivan raised his leg and kicked it back. “Ouch!” Gino cried out as the bag hit his face and burst, covering his clothes in the dirt.   Everything happened so quickly that the class was momentarily stunned into silence until suddenly, the classroom resounded with laughter and applause.   Ivan put down the washbasin and walked to the front. He looked at Gino, who was clearly embarrassed. "Gino, I played this trick when I was in elementary school. You are in high school now. Try to be more creative next time, loser."   As Gino wiped the dirt from his face, his embarrassment turned to anger, "Shut up."   Ivan sneered, "Well, what other tricks do you have? Maybe you would like to try them out today. Let me see what you’re capable of."   Gino looked back at Sam who grinned at Ivan, "No more tricks Sir. We were just having a laugh. We didn't know that you were a martial arts expert."   Ivan glanced at Sam. "Never underestimate me. Since there are no more tricks, I will go through class discipline with you. I am now officially your form teacher.  I don't care what you did before. From now on, if anyone dares to mess with any teacher or classmate, don’t expect any mercy from me.”   As he said this, Ivan picked up a piece of chalk and clutched it in his hand to make his point. The chalk turned to powder which fell from Ivan's hand like flour.   The students couldn’t believe their eyes. Gino was silenced, his face ghastly pale.   "Gino, go and wash your face,” Ivan ordered   Gino nodded submissively and left the classroom. Ivan looked around the classroom, then took out the register. He completed the roll call. after which he called out, “Mr. Green, you can come in now."   Mr. Green walked into the classroom and smiled at Ivan. Ivan carried a chair to the back of the classroom, ready to join his students in listening to Mr. Green’s lecture.     Mr. Green was an English teacher. His lectures on the interpretation of poetry were known to be inspirational. As Ivan sat listening, the memory energy in his brain constantly erupted like a volcano. Vivid images from the poems exploded in his mind at Mr. Green’s passionate narration. What a wonderful experience!   These ancient poems were so interesting, Ivan began to wish he had majored in English Literature back in college.   With Ivan sitting at the back of the classroom, the class behaved impeccably. Gino returned from the bathroom and, after glancing at Ivan, went straight to his seat, not daring to cause any further trouble.   The school bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, and brought Ivan back to reality. He had been totally immersed in Mr. Green’s fascinating lecture.   Ivan hurried to the front and looked around the class, "Class 3, wasn’t Mr. Green’s lecture wonderful?"   "Yes," someone called out. It was a small skinny boy with glasses. Ivan remembered him being the one echoing Ailsa yesterday. His name was Thomas Gordon.   Ivan smiled at Thomas. Just as Thomas was about to smile back, Gino glared at him and Thomas immediately withdrew his smile.   Ivan nodded, "Everybody, congratulations on listening to Mr. Green's lecture so attentively. I hope you keep this discipline up in the future. If any of you need help or advice at any time, please don't hesitate to come to my office. I'll do my best to support you."   No one answered him.   Ivan smiled and walked out of the classroom.   As soon as he entered the office, Mr. Green smiled and gave him a thumbs-up, "Mr. Frank, what a brilliant class teacher you are! That was the first time I have ever managed to complete a lesson with Class 3 successfully!"   Ivan felt proud, hearing Mr. Green’s praise. Looking back on the lesson, he smiled, "Mr. Green, your lecture was magnificent. You truly inspired me! I have memorized all the poems."   "Really?" Mr. Green’s mouth opened in amazement.   "Yes," Ivan nodded and began to repeat Mr. Green’s lecture word for word.   "My God!" Mr. Green exclaimed, his eyes full of surprise.   "Mr. Frank, yesterday when Principal Ailsa said you could recite Dante's Inferno, I didn't believe it. Now I really am convinced. Your memory is awesome!"   "The thing is, Mr. Green, I can only recite them. I majored in business administration and don't understand the meaning of poetry very well. I learned a lot from your lecture today and really hope you can teach me more," Ivan replied modestly.   Mr. Green nodded, “No problem."   During the next few lessons, Ivan deliberately left the classroom to test the class and each time, they behaved. It seemed that he really had subdued Gino and the others.   As a teacher, being able to fight back, certainly did give you the advantage.   Ivan touched the phone in his pocket and smiled to himself.   At lunchtime, Ivan and Mr. Green went to the school canteen together. Mr. Green finished his lunch first and left.   Ivan was still eating when someone sat down next to him.   It was Ailsa. “Principal Ailsa,” Ivan greeted her and was about to stand up respectfully when she stopped him. "Sit down and finish your lunch, Ivan. I've just come for a chat."   Ivan thanked her and remained seated.   "Several teachers have been to see me today to tell me about the dramatic change in Class 3’s behavior. You’re doing an excellent job! Well done. Also, according to Mr. Green, you are a martial arts expert. Is this true,” Ailsa asked.   Mr. Green really was a gossip! Fancy telling Ailsa about his ability to fight      Ivan smiled, "Only an amateur."   Ailsa nodded, then asked, "Can you teach me when you're free?"   Ivan was taken aback, "Principal Ailsa, why do you want to learn martial arts?"   "To keep fit," Ailsa replied with a slight smile.   Ivan glanced at Ailsa then suddenly asked out of the blue, "Principal Ailsa, do you know Jerome?"   Ailsa looked confused, "Jerome? No, I don’t think I know anyone of that name. Why do you ask?"   Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, certain that Ailsa was being truthful, "It was nothing Principal Ailsa, just a casual question. I seemed to remember an acquaintance of mine named Jerome mentioning the school a while ago. Yes, of course. I’ll be happy to teach you martial arts when we both have the time.   “You promise?"   "I promise."   Ivan was still confused.     If Ailsa didn’t know the judge, why had the judge told him to get close to her?    
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