Chapter 17

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"SKYLAR!" The bathroom door slid open and Parker stormed to Skylar who was listening to Miracle talking about the manga she brought. "This madness ends today! I failed miserably on the way here to Rome, but this time, I'm f*****g prepared to kick your ass." They stared at him as the as Jumin and Ashton looked at him from their beds. Yukine, who was sitting next to Miracle, held out her pocky box. "You want one?" She offered Parker. "Sure." He took out one as he grinned. "Thank you. Now, back to the subject. We ARE having a rematch. I don't care what you'll say. Even if you refuse, I'll annoy you to death." Skylar groaned loudly as Parker ate the pocky with a victorious grin. "Parker uses annoying. It's super effective," Jumin snickered. They all laughed along with him except Skylar. "Fine," Skylar sighed. "Wait! Can I go shower first?" Yukine asked. Skylar glanced at Miracle who was looking at her with a smile. "Of course," Miracle replied. "I'll try my best to keep Parker away from the switch." Yukine smiled brightly with flushed cheeks. She grabbed all her things as Parker was setting the game up on the TV. When Miracle heard water running, her face became serious. "Someone was following us the whole time," Skylar announced. "As I said in the restaurant, she's been following us from the airport." "Question! How did you know that it's a woman following us?" Parker asked. "By her footsteps and other body movements," he explained. "Can you really judge someone's gender off that?" Skylar nodded. Parker's eyes shone with awe. "So cool." Skylar cleared his throat. Jumin sat right up and tightened his bandana. "Why are you sleeping on my bed? I claimed the top bunk when we got here." "Cause I want it. And there is one more top bunk." He pointed at the other bunk bed. "Or you can choose one of the two normal twin beds. Now shoo." Parker stomped up to him. "Ja-janken!" Parker yelled as he spread his legs. Jumin looked at Miracle and Skylar. "Rock paper scissors," they mouthed to him. He turned back to Parker who was holding his fist with his hand as his face held a dark expression. "Oh. Is this some of his weeb s**t?" "It isn't weeb s**t!" Miracle and Parker both yelled. "Hunter X Hunter is art!" He raised an eyebrow. "Okay." He looked at Skylar and Ashton. "So am I suppose to do it?" "Please do it Kyung," Skylar sighed. Jumin frowned. "How do you know my name?" Skylar pointed at Miracle who was grinning. "That explains a lot." He jumped off the bed and a small smirk spread across his lips. "Now it's my turn to drop your dumb ass." "Tch. Jan. Ken. Shū!*" Parker yelled and Parker played rock as Jumin played paper. "I win," Jumin smirked. Parker looked at Jumin's hand and back to his as he slowly fell down to the ground. Jumin walked to Miracle and lay on her bed. "What are we gonna do with this new threat? Do we have to call Mr. Assassin for advice?" Skylar rolled his eyes. "It would be a good idea," Ashton mumbled. "Are we gonna tell Miracle's crush about this?" Jumin asked. "We are NOT telling Yuki!" She hit her fist on the bed. "I thought that you were smarter than this Kyung." "You and me both know that Min's the only smart one between us three," Jumin replied. "If your b***h ass is too scared to tell her, I'll do it." None of them heard the bathroom door slide open. "Hey guys I'm do-" Yukine stopped drying her hair and stared at Miracle straddling Jumin as she choked him out. Her face went instantly blank. "It's not what it looks like," Miracle began as she got off Jumin. "He was just talking bullshit. That's the only thing." "What did he say this time?" "Miracle and Skylar are assassins!" Jumin screamed. Every pair of eyes in the room widened as Skylar jumped on Jumin and muffled his screams with a pillow. Yukine blinked as her expression became blank again. "Okay," Yukine responded as she put her things back. "Aren't you more surprised?" Miracle asked. "I am very surprised. I'm just shocked right now." Yukine looked Miracle directly in her eyes. "Is it true?" Miracle opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Ashton, who was looking concerned at Skylar and Jumin, stood up from his bed and lifted Skylar up from Jumin. "It is true. Parker and I were also shocked. Jumin wasn't, because he knew for some reason," Ashton replied as Parker nodded. "Yes, they kill people. But they wouldn't hurt us." Ashton put Skylar down on his feet. "Right Skylar?" Skylar hummed with a smile. Miracle went up to her and held her hands. Yukine looked up at her with a small frown. "Yuki, I swear on my whole damn life that I wouldn't lay a finger on you in a bad way. I'd kill myself before I do that," she swore as sincere was visibly clear in her eyes. "I trust you Miracle. I know that you wouldn't," she replied as her smile grew bigger. After Miracle heard that, her eyes went completely emotionless. "Please make me bento for the rest of my life," she said in all seriousness. "Huh? What does that mean?" Miracle felt her face grow warmer as Yukine looked at their hands. Her cheeks flushed and they both let loose of each other's hand. Miracle covered her face as Jumin began laughing hysterically. "What kind of cliche bullshit?" He laughed. "It couldn't be better! Just f**k already!" "Shut the f**k up Kyung!" Miracle and Yukine both yelled. But he didn't. Miracle ran after Jumin who sprinted out of the room as he laughed harder. Yukine scurried to her bed as Parker started the game. "What did I miss when I was showering?" Yukine asked them as her face cooled down. "Skylar said that we were being followed by a woman and that's why Miracle, Jumin and Skylar were glaring at a window. And I lost a game of ja-janken," Parker replied. "Did you go Gon mode?" Parker scoffed. "Of course I did." Parker turned to Skylar. "Skylar! It's time!" He threw one of his switch controllers to him and Skylar caught it. They both sat on the ground in front of the TV and began their match. "What is Miracle like an assassin?" Yukine asked Skylar. "She's the same, not gonna lie. She's still goofy as hell. f**k yeah." Parker cursed when Skylar got a win. "Sometimes, she's even less serious than at school. But she's a good strategist. Unlike f*****g Parker!" "f**k!" Parker screamed when Skylar got 2 kills. "I NEED GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE RIGHT NOW!" "And Miracle is a pretty good assassin. I wouldn't say better than me, because she'd say that I'm lying. Her dad is also one and he can come off as scary. So I wish you luck when you're meeting her dad. HEY!" Parker got a kill off Skylar. "THAT WAS DIRTY YOU b***h!" "GOD AND ANIME ARE ON MY SIDE THE f**k DID YOU THINK?!" He screamed back. "YOU'RE JUST f*****g SALTY THAT I'VE GOTTEN BETTER!" "OH YEAH?" Skylar hit him with a last attack and Parker softly put his controller on the bed. He stood up, went to his bed and screamed loudly in his pillow. "NOW THAT'S f*****g SAD! I BEAT YOU WITH f*****g JIGGLYPUFF!" "f**k YOU SKYLAR! HOW ARE YOU A f*****g PRO AT SUPER SMASH BROS?! YOU TOLD ME MULTIPLE TIMES THAT YOU DON'T LIKE VIDEOGAMES!" Parker cried as Ashton and Yukine tried to calm them down. "Skylar, I know that you're happy, but remember that there are people sleeping next to us," Ashton whispered. Skylar looked up at him as he frowned. "But there's a high chance that they're out partying," he replied. Ashton thought and lay back down on the bed. "Never mind then." After a minute of silence, Parker got off his bed and rummaged through his bag. "Who wants to play mario maker 2 with me?" He held the game and two extra controllers up. "Anyone?" Ashton got off the bed and grabbed an controller out of Parker's hand. Parker threw the other controller to Yukine and she caught it. Ashton sat down next to Skylar as Parker started the game. During the game, Miracle and Jumin walked into the room as Miracle was talking to him. "I'm telling you, Min. Kyung can die in a hole in your brain for all I care. I love him, but I also hate him," she rambled. "Oh, I almost forgot! We're still gonna cosplay for anime con, right?" Jumin nodded. "But we need to choose an anime to cosplay. I still need to find a black anime character." Jumin c****d his head a little. "Because I want to cosplay a black anime character." "Canary?" Jumin mumbled. Miracle rubbed her chin. "That's a good one! I have to search for some other, but if I don't find another, I'll cosplay her," Miracle replied. She watched the others play the game and turned to Skylar. "Skylar!" "Hm?" He hummed. "Are you also going to anime con?" Skylar shook his head. "But why not?" "Parker haven't beaten me in any game yet," he answered. "I didn't want to go to begin with and he wants me to cosplay. So he suggested that we'll go together if he wins." Parker turned to Miracle with a pained expression. "Please help me Miracle," Parker begged. "I still have a month left and I want to think about cosplay idea's." "Why don't you play rock paper scissors?" Miracle suggested. Parker paused the game as the others complained to him. Parker stood up and sat in front of Skylar. "Ja-janken!" Jumin looked at him and blinked. "Weeb," he muttered to him. Parker snapped his head to him when he heard that word. "Shut up Min! Do you want me to take off that mask of yours? You're a f*****g weeb yourself." Jumin's eyebrows drew together as he pointed his thumb at Miracle. "What does that suppose to mean?" "He's saying that I'm the reason that he's into anime," she replied after reading his face. Skylar stood up and gave Parker a pat on the shoulder. "Are we still doing it?" "Yes. We're playing three times, so prepare yourself," Parker said. "Jan ken shū!" Parker played scissors as Skylar played rock. "1 - 0," Skylar smirked. "You know what happens if you lose again." "I know. Jan ken shū!" Parker played paper as Skylar played rock. "f**k yeah!" "Why are you saying it in Japanese?" Yukine asked. "Cause it's sounds cool." He turned to Skylar. "1 - 1." "One last time," Skylar muttered. Parker held his fist with his hand as he created space between his legs. Skylar rolled his eyes. "Jan. Ken. Shū," he whispered. Parker played scissors as Skylar played paper. Parker's eyes widened as he, Miracle and Jumin nodded at each other. Parker grabbed pen and paper, Miracle her laptop and Jumin his phone. "Do you want to cosplay a boy, girl or a trap?" Parker asked. "Do you want to wear a wig or would you like to stay blond?" Miracle asked. "Accessories?" Jumin asked. Skylar was bombarded with questions and held his hand up. They all shut their mouths. "I don't care which gender I'll cosplay. But if I'll cosplay a girl, I don't want much cleavage. I want to stay with my hair. I can tell from experience that it's gonna be hot as f**k after a few hours with a wig on. And I don't want accessories," Skylar replied. Parker pressed his mouth into a thin line and began crossing some of them out. Miracle gasped and whispered something to Jumin and Parker. Their eyes lit up and they nodded vigorously. "Listen. I think that this will benefit you too. The only thing is that you have to cut your hair a few inches." "Cutting my hair a few inches?" Skylar asked as Miracle nodded. "I'm listening." "Have you seen Yuri On Ice?" Skylar nodded. "You know the Russian Yuri right? We want you to cosplay him or Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist. Winry is nice choice and all, but if you cosplay Yuri, Ashton can cosplay Otabek and you two can bring my ship to life!" "Hah? I didn't sign up for that," Ashton said. "The thing is that you'll be wearing regular clothes," she smirked. "It isn't much. Just something casual that they both wear often. For example, Otabek wears jacket. I think that it was a leather jacket." "Are you comfortable wearing contacts?" Parker asked Ashton. "Yeah, why?" "Cause Otabek has brown eyes and we three want you two to live up to them." Miracle and Jumin both agreed. "What about you four?" Skylar asked. "Parker is going to cosplay Naruto, Yukine is thinking about Chika from Love is War and Jumin and I don't know yet," Miracle replied. "A little off topic, but are we still going to the Colosseum and the city tomorrow?" Ashton asked. "Yeah," they replied as Jumin nodded. "Now back to the cosplay..." BONUS Miracle narrowed her eyes at all the character profiles. She looked at the ethnicity of Parker, Ashton and Skylar. "So your parents are both Dutch?" She asked Parker. "Yeah. They moved before I was born. At home we all talk Dutch though." "Cool." She turned to Ashton. "You're both British and Italian. Where did your parents meet?" "I think that they said that it was somewhere in France. They both went for work," he responded. "Can you talk Italian?" She asked excitedly. He shook his head. "Aw." She turned to Skylar. "And you're German and American. I heard that most German people are tall. Your dad is tall. Why aren't you?" Skylar glared at him. "Are you calling me short?" He yelled as Miracle backed up. "Sorry!" She cried as Skylar chased her. *Jan ken shū(to)! = rock paper scissors shoot!

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