Chapter 5.5

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Valentine's day special "You know what day it is tomorrow, huh?" Parker asked Skylar. They were playing Super Smash Bros at Parker's house. "Uh, Thursday?" Skylar asked, trying his best to finish Parker. Parker rolled his eyes. "It's Valentine's Day tomorrow." Skylar glanced at him. "And?" "Didn't Ashton ask you out?" "Didn't Miracle ask you out?" He bit back. Parker pursed his lips. "Touche." Skylar did his last move and killed Parker. A smug smirk spread across Skylar's lips as Parker yelled into his pillow. "How?!" "I'm just a natural." Skylar didn't tell him the he bought the switch and the game himself to train because he got his ass beat everytime they played. Parker continued to play the game as Skylar watched him with as dull expression. Skylar's phone chimed. He grabbed his phone and saw a text from Ashton. Ace: what are your plans for tomorrow? Skylar: I don't have any plans Ace: do you wanna go out tomorrow? Skylar: depends on what we're doing Ace: it's a surprise ;) Skylar brows furrowed. He tapped on Parker's shoulder. Parker paused the game as Skylar shoved his phone in his face. Parker read the texts. "Ask him if food's involved," Parker suggested. Skylar: is there food involved? Ace: yes "He said yes," Skylar said. "Then say yes," Parker said as he continued the game. Skylar: okay then "Do you think you'll get laid tomorrow?" Parker asked, his eyes not leaving the TV. Skylar hit the top of his head. "Ouch!" "I could if I want to," Skylar replied. He paused the game and looked Skylar dead in the eye. "Do you want to?" Parker wiggled his eyebrows. Skylar tried to hide his blushing cheeks with his hands as Parker laughed. The next day Skylar and Parker were walking to their lockers as they were talking about what their plans are for today. Many people around them were talking about their plans for today as well. Girls were gushing to their friends about how a guy asked them out or how they got things. Guys were bragging about the things they got or how they were getting laid tonight. And the ones that didn't get anything were grumbling about how stupid Valentine's Day was. Even Parker manned up and asked Miracle out. "You really are a geek," Skylar moaned. "Why did you ask her to go to the comic book store?" "I panicked," he cried. "But she said yes." They both stopped when they saw Ashton waiting there with a bouquet of roses. They were yellow with red tips. When Ashton saw Skylar, his smile was brighter than the sun. "S-so bright," Skylar whispered. "Damn, his smile is brighter than my future," Parker commented. Skylar walked up to Ashton. Ashton held the roses out. Everyone in the hall was watching their interaction. Many girls were glaring at Skylar, wanting to be in his position. "For you, Cherry," he smiled. Skylar looked down with a blush. He regretted putting his hair in a ponytail today. He took the roses. "Thank you Ace." Ashton reached out for something in his bag. He held out a bag of skittles. Skylar gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. "For me?" He shrieked. Ashton and Parker both sighed. "I think I'm buying you too many bags of skittles," Ashton sighed. "But whatever makes you happy. I'll do anything for you." Skylar's blush deepened and he hit Ashton's shoulder. Ashton let out a loud belly laugh, not caring about what people think about him. Skylar stopped hitting and stared for a while. He'd never heard him laugh like that and he loved it. Ashton's laughter died down he smiled down at Skylar. The first bell rung. "I'll see you at lunch," he said. He lifted his chin and kissed his forehead. The mouth of every single girl that was watching them dropped the floor. Skylar looked down at the roses, his face still red. Ashton smiled again and he walked off to his first class. Parker let out a low whistle. "Now that was something." They heard footsteps approaching them rapidly. They looked into the direction of the noise and saw Miracle running up to them. She leaned onto Parker's shoulder and tried to catch her breath. "I made it just in time," she gasped. She looked at Parker, Skylar and the roses. "What did I miss?" Lunchtime "So basically, there was this whole thing that happened and I wasn't there to take pictures?!" Ashton and Parker flinched at her loud voice and cold glare. Skylar nodded. "Why did no one call me?" She demanded. "We didn't know either," Skylar replied. Ashton and Parker nodded this time, fear clearly visible in their eyes. Miracle took a deep breath. "It was a surprise for Skylar," Ashton said. "Okay then." She pointed at Ashton who tried to hide behind Skylar. "Next time, call me." "O-okay," he stuttered. Skylar turned to face him. "Why are you even scared of her?" He asked. "There's nothing scary about her." "Women could be scary. A lot of men say that women should stay in the kitchen, but they're scarier if they know how to use a knife," he shuddered. Skylar and Miracle smirked. Parker was confused. "But enough about that. Those roses." She nodded at the roses. "You know what the meaning of those are right?" Skylar and Parker shook their head. Ashton coughed loudly. Skylar patted his back and handed him his drink. "Tell me," Parker said excitedly. Miracle leaned in and whispered it in his ear. Parker's mouth dropped and his eyes became huge. Not even a second later he started squealing. Skylar covered his hands on his ears. "Don't tell Skylar though," she warned. Parker tried his best to stop squealing, but failed miserably. "Why the f**k are you squealing like a pig?" Skylar demanded. Parker put his index finger on his lips and winked. "It's a secret." "It's a secret," Skylar mocked him. "But why don't you sit with your friends anymore?" He asked Ashton. "Well, they're busy," he answered. "Both Nash and Tyler are doing something for Valentine's Day." Skylar gave him a flat look. "Mhm." A few hours later "Are you going to kill me Ace?" Skylar half joked as Ashton parked his car next to the forest. Ashton chuckled. "I'd never," Ashton replied. He opened the door. "Let's go" Without saying anything, Skylar also opened the door as Ashton opened the trunk. He grabbed a picnic basket and a few blankets. He handed Skylar the blankets. "We have to walk for a few minutes in the forest. So be careful," he warned Skylar. Skylar scoffed. "I'm always carefu- s**t!" Skylar yelled as he almost tripped. Ashton raised his eyebrow. "What was that?" Skylar glared at him. 5 minutes later they saw a cabin and in front of it a big lake. "Wow," Skylar whispered. Ashton smirked. "Impressive huh?" "You just made it less impressive," Skylar mumbled. They walked up to the front door as Ashton was fiddling with the keys. After a few seconds, the door opened. Skylar gasped at the view. "My mom designed it," Ashton said. They took off their shoes and Skylar put the blankets on the couch. "I like it. It's cozy." "Let's go upstairs." Skylar's eyes turned into slits. "Why?" "There's a bed and a glass ceiling up there so we can see the stars," he chuckled. They dropped the stuff upstairs. "Make yourself at home." Skylar plopped down on the bed. "Comfy," Skylar mumbled, wrapping himself in the blankets. Ashton handed him his plate of spaghetti and sat next to him. Skylar took a bite. "This is great!" Skylar commented as he stuffed his face. "My personal chefs made it." Skylar scoffed. "Rich people." They ate the rest of the meal in comfortable silence. Skylar looked up. "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" He said. "But you're even more beautiful," Ashton smiled. Skylar's face turned pink. "Shut up Ace." "You have a little sauce here." Ashton leaned in and licked the corner of Skylar's lips. "And there." He kissed his lips. "And in there." Ashton slid his tongue in Skylar's mouth and their lips melded perfectly together. Ashton took off Skylar's shirt and rolled his n****e between his thumb and index finger. "Like that?" He whispered as he bit his earlobe. Skylar whimpered. "Looks like it." He went for his neck and started kissing and sucking it. "More," Skylar moaned quietly. Ashton had a hungry look in his eyes and attacked his lips roughly. Skylar got rid of Ashton's shirt and gawked at his toned chest. Ashton smirked and they continued making out. When Ashton was trying to get Skylar's pants off, Skylar's phone rang. "f**k," they both muttered. Skylar calmed himself and answered his phone. "Hello?" "WHERE ARE YOU?" Carla yelled in the phone. Skylar removed the phone from his ear as Carla continued yelling. "Hi mom," he greeted her, trying his best to not sound irritated. "I'm at Parker's, remember?" "Oh yeah. I forgot. You have 30 minutes to come home. It's already 11 o' clock," she ordered. "Okay mom." He hanged up the phone. "I have to go home." Ashton sighed. "I told you to put your phone on silent," he said. "But-" He kissed him one last time. "We'll finish this next time."
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